Dr. Mariana Fuentes

Dr. Mariana Fuentes
Stem Field
Title of Research
Understanding and quantifying cumulative and synergetic stressors to marine megafauna
Description of Research Area

Marine megafauna, such as marine turtles, sharks, and marine mammals, are exposed to multiple threats across their life stages, and as a result several populations are now declining and classified as threatened. Threat assessments from stressors to marine megafauna have commonly focused on isolated processes at a particular time and location, with relatively few studies exploring the cumulative, synergistic, and secondary effects of different processes across a broad spatial scale. Indeed, most of the work to date has focused on understanding how individual threats/disturbances (e.g., coastal development, climate change, pollution, vessel strike) impacts marine megafauna, without consideration of their synergies. This approach presents issues since cascading and cumulative impacts caused by synergies are unaccounted for, which hinders the ability to fully quantify and understand impacts to marine megafauna. This lack of consideration for cumulative and synergetic processors is mainly driven by the lack of knowledge on the effects of interactions and the existence of appropriate approaches to quantify synergies. To address this, we are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to work to broaden our understanding of the synchronous and asynchronous nature of threats to marine megafauna across multiple life-stages and to develop novel models to describe and quantify identified synergies.

Special Research & Career Skills

My laboratory is multidisciplinary and provides a multitude of opportunities for training on: scientific writing (manuscript and grant applications), mentorship/leadership, teaching and communication skills, behavioral and spatial data analysis, and systematic planning software use.