Dr. Timothy Megraw

Dr. Timothy Megraw
Stem Field
Biomedical Sciences
Title of Research
Centrosome proteins in metabolic dysfunction
Description of Research Area

Mutations in centrosome protein genes cause a spectrum of developmental syndromes that result in microcephaly and primordial dwarfism (OMIM 251200 and 210600). These mutations affect the proliferation of stem cells, leading to reduced organogenesis of the brain or the whole body. The basis of stem cell dysfunction in centrosome protein mutants is not clear. We recently found that some mutants displayed metabolic dysfunction which could be the etiological basis for stem cell dysfunction, and might offer avenues to mitigate the defects pharmacologically. The postdoc candidate will lead this project with the goals of discerning the mechanisms involved and testing pharmacological interventions that ameliorate the pathology.

Special Research & Career Skills

Research training in the Megraw lab equips trainees with genetic, cell biological, molecular biology, and biochemistry expertise using Drosophila, mouse, and human cell culture. We employ modern genetic engineering technologies such as CRISPR and state-of-the-art equipment for imaging and quantitative biological measurements. Dr. Megraw mentors trainees toward their career goal, whether academic, industry or others.