Dr. Vasubandhu Misra

Dr. Vasubandhu Misra
Stem Field
Title of Research
The diagnosis of regional climate predictability
Description of Research Area

Using a regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model in an idealized setting it is proposed to understand the influence of air-sea interaction, lateral boundary conditions, initial conditions, and changing radiative forcing on the seasonal climate predictability for a given geographical region. The primary area of interest to diagnose the regional climate predictability would be flexible enough to fit the mutual interest of the potential candidate and the PI. The experimentation prototype is envisaged to isolate the roles of inclusion and exclusion of air-sea interaction, perfect and imperfect initial and lateral boundary conditions in pre-industrial, current, and future climate.

Special Research & Career Skills

I have worked fruitfully with seven post-docs in the past 10 years publishing nearly 70 journal articles and chapters in books with them. As a PDF, you will additionally earn experience in the state of the art regional coupled ocean-atmosphere model and develop a unique skill set in numerical modeling of regional climate.