Probing light-matter interactions at the unprecedented nanometer length scales and ultrafast time scales represents one of the unique research directions for the explorations of quantum materials in the next decades. The Ni group utilizes scanning nano-optics to explore and control new phase of matter in advanced materials through their inherent coupling with light. Specifically, this includes the utilization of unique type of scanning near-field optical microscopy to directly shed light on the real-space aspects of the light-matter coupling at the unprecedented nanometer length scales, broad frequency scales and ultrafast time scales. The application of these unique methodologies covers a diverse research areas spanning from condensed matter physics, materials science as well as biochemistry. The Ni lab is based at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Florida State University, which is the world’s premier facility center for research in high magnetic fields and extremely low temperatures. Currently, the group is also working on the development of high magnetic field coupled scanning nano-optical microscopy that is operating at cryogenic temperatures. The utilization of such unique apparatus would open the door to explore the quantum world by design.
While it is anticipated that postdoctoral applicants would have experience in one or more of the above research topics, training could be provided in any of the other areas, as needed or requested. Training in grant writing, preparation of research articles/reports, and presentation skills would also be provided.