Awards and Fellowships




Florida State University has an award program that recognizes the accomplishments of our Postdoctoral Scholars and their faculty mentors. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) semi-annually sponsors ten travel awards for professional career development, an annual poster competition with best presenter awards in three categories (Physical Science, Life Science, and Humanities/Interdisciplinary) in conjunction with our Postdoctoral Symposium highlighting the National Postdoctoral Awareness Week every September, and accepts binders in the spring for the Postdoctoral Faculty Mentor Award. There are intramural and extramural fellowships that support specialized training in the Arts & Sciences and also NIH-supported postdoctoral training. If you are a PI who would like to post an open opportunity in your independent laboratory at FSU, please contact the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and we are happy to advertise the position.  Use the menu on the left to find details about these specific awards and fellowships.

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