Dr. Robert Schurko

Dr. Robert Schurko
Stem Field
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Title of Research
Solid-State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) NMR Spectroscopy of the Periodic Table
Description of Research Area

Postdoctoral research associates will work under the supervision of Prof. Schurko and Dr. Fred Mentink-Vigier on the application of dynamic nuclear polarization nuclear magnetic resonance (DNP NMR) spectroscopy of nuclei of elements from across the periodic table that are unreceptive to the NMR experiment. DNP NMR has emerged over the past 15 years as one of the most powerful techniques for obtaining high signal-to-noise NMR spectra that can aid in understanding atomic/molecular-level structure and dynamics. The postdoc will aid in the design and testing of DNP NMR probes (supported by our NMR Technology Group at the MagLab), conduct research aimed at obtaining solid-state NMR spectra for a wide range of chemical compounds, advanced materials, and biosolids using unreceptive nuclei (e.g., 25Mg, 43Ca, 67Zn, 99Ru, 103Rh, etc.), and work with Dr. Fred Mentink-Vigier (Research Faculty at MagLab) on independent research in this vein, as well as in the support of collaborative and independent research projects with users of the DNP NMR facility at MagLab from around the U.S. and the world.

Special Research & Career Skills

Aside from the technical training in DNP NMR and probe design supported by my team, I will engage the postdoctoral candidate in collaborative grant proposal writing, manuscript preparation, and introduce them to industrial partners interesting in applying their methods to drug products and nutraceuticals.