Dr. Victor Mesev

Dr. Victor Mesev
Stem Field
Title of Research
Use of remote sensing data to measure and analyze urban and environmental changes.
Description of Research Area

Investigate new high spatial resolution remote sensing data to identify, measure, and model changes in urban growth (both density and lateral spread) and repercussions on surrounding natural environment. What impact urban development has on ecosystems and habitat destruction both within city limits and by encroaching on delicate ecosystems. Postdoc will explore the resolutions of new high spatial and spectral resolution data, and how those data are pre-processed, geometrically calibrated, and classified into urban objects and continuous measures of environmental health. Particularly, spatial object-oriented classification (using ENVI IDL) to determine size and shape of urban objects. And tasseled cap transformations to measure greenness indices. Methodologies that integrate GIS data into the classification processes, and rigorous testing of results.

Special Research & Career Skills

Familiarity using remote sensing data at various resolutions and formats. Familiarity using ENVI and Imagine software tools handle remote sensing data and conducts analyses. Techniques to incorporate data from GIS sources.