Postdoctoral Fellowships

Join the nationwide postdoc recruiting and networking tool, the Postdoc Portal.

The Postdoc Portal allows STEM postdocs and graduate students to connect with research groups across the country. The portal also allows STEM faculty and research group leaders to connect with unique group of advanced graduate students and postdocs from across the country who are considering or looking for a postdoc position.

Faculty/Research group leaders, postdocs and graduate students begin by creating a research group profile or postdoc profile respectively, and users are auto-matched based on shared areas of research interest and notified of all matches via email.

Join here.

Monell Chemical Senses Center Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Monell Chemical Senses Center is a nonprofit, basic research institute dedicated to the study of taste, smell, chemesthesis, and appetite. Founded in 1968, the Center is located near the campuses of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University in Philadelphia. Research focuses on understanding how the chemical senses function and their importance in everyday life.

Positions are currently available for interdisciplinary training and research in our four broad research aims: sensory nutrition, disease diagnosis/treatment, smell/taste loss, and digitizing smells/tastes. Approaches include clinical medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, organismal and molecular biology, animal and human psychophysics, organ- and neurophysiology, including single cell, whole nerve and in situ brain recordings, neuroanatomy, experimental psychology, environmental sampling, and human-exposure assessment. A background in chemosensory research is not required. 

One funding opportunity for postdoctoral fellows in all areas of chemosensory research is available through a National Institutes of Health Ruth L. Kirshchenstein NRSA Institutional Research Training Grant (T32).

The goal of this grant is to provide interdisciplinary training in the chemical senses (i.e., taste, smell, and chemesthesis) for scientists coming from a wide range of disciplines. This includes providing the tools necessary for trainees to gain independence: a strong scientific environment, committed faculty mentors, and didactic course work in appropriate areas. To be eligible for T32 funding, applicants must be U.S. citizens, non-citizen U.S. nationals, or those lawfully admitted for permanent residence.

Additional support comes from grants to individuals and unrestricted funds available to the Center.

Check out for more information on postdoctoral training at Monell Chemical Senses Center.


Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree is required. Many applicants come from fields outside the chemical senses. A background in chemosensory research is not required.

Strong self-motivation, an interest in obtaining new skills, and a desire to work in a multidisciplinary environment are highly valued.

Application Instructions

Applicants should prepare the following materials:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A cover letter, detailing relevant education and experience, statement of research interests and career goals, and description of interest in specific Monell labs
    • Applicants should make a strong case, in the cover letter, aligning their interests and qualifications with specific Monell faculty labs.
    • Applicants are encouraged to identify and prioritize several lab options, as not all labs are currently accepting postdoctoral fellows. Details regarding Monell faculty research interests and projects can be found on our website (
  • The names and means to contact three references.

Postdoctoral Fellowship, FSU College of Medicine

Deadline: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis until the positions are filled. Apply as soon as possible!

The overall mission of this fellowship program is to provide rigorous training and practical experience to prepare individuals for careers as independent researchers in academia, private industry, and government. The Postdoctoral Program will be housed in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine (BSSM) at FSU College of Medicine.

Applicants of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Qualifications: Qualified individuals will have a Ph.D. in psychology, public health, neuroscience, or related field.

Preferred Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have advanced research training and experience (e.g., implementation science/ intervention development; prevention/ population health; clinical health / translational science; statistical skills).

Strong written and verbal communication skills.

Manuscript and/or grant writing experience.

Start Date: Negotiable with preferred start between July 1, 2024 - Sept 30, 2024.

Appointment Length: 1-2 years, appointment length is flexible with renewal available depending on funding and performance.

Compensation: Competitive salary and benefits including travel stipends and pilot funding depending on qualifications.

Click here for more details and how to apply.

FSU Quantum Science and Engineering Postdoctoral Fellowships

Deadline - April 1, 2024

Appointment Start Date - July 1, 2024

Please see Full Opportunity Description HERE

Florida State University seeks multiple postdoctoral fellows to join the FSU Quantum Initiative.  Applicants with research interests in all areas of Quantum Science and Engineering (QSE), ranging
from quantum algorithms to quantum materials and devices, are invited to apply. Successful applicants will be hosted by FSU Quantum faculty members (see   Applicants interested in this opportunity are encouraged to contact prospective faculty advisors (sponsors) to discuss potential research plans. Applicants should have earned a Ph.D. within the last five years (but exceptions can be made on an individual basis) and must have demonstrated a strong record of academic and research accomplishments. The FSU Quantum Postdoctoral  Fellowships are intended for a 2-year appointment, with the annual salary of $65,000 + benefits.

Postdoctoral Research Scholar - Food Safety and Quality Lab, Florida State University

Deadline - November 1, 2023

A postdoctoral research scholar position is available in the Food Safety and Quality Lab at Florida State University. The primary responsibility of this position is to (1) independently conduct research in food and nutrition; (2) train and supervise undergraduate and graduate students; (3) manage the lab, including placing orders for reagents and maintaining lab instrumentations; (4) develop manuscripts, conference presentations, and USDA reports for dissemination to the broader academic community; (5) assist in the identification of funding opportunities and writing of funding applications; (6) contribute to relevant teaching activities within the department; and (7) undertake any other duties relevant to the research.

For more information please click here

Please direct questions to Qinchun Rao 
































































































































































































































































Postdoctoral Scientist in Blue Carbon Biogeochemistry - Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, East Boothbay, ME
































































































































































































































































Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences is seeking a postdoctoral scientist with experience in aquatic or terrestrial biogeochemical processes to help lead a project to assess the carbon uptake and sequestration capacity of coastal marine sediments to store macro-algal derived carbon produced through the activities of seaweed aquaculture farms. Experience in developing and quantifying carbon budgets (e.g., water column carbonate chemistry and/or sedimentary organic carbon cycling), and evaluating associated biogeochemical processes is preferred, as the person will be expected to lead this aspect of the project.
































































































































































































































































Please submit a cover letter, CV, and three professional references using our online portal.