Congratulations to our 2024 Fall Symposium & 5 MR Winners!
Fall 2024 5MR Finalists
The OPDA congratulates all participants in the preliminary rounds for the 5MR Competition that will take place Friday, October 18th as part of our National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week. The 10 finalists for this year's competition are as follows:
Postdoctoral Scholar | Department | Title |
Ahinsa Ranaweera |
Biological Science | The HIV Capsid: A Promising Target for Anti-HIV Drugs and More |
Pearl Rivers Key | Biological Science | Mate choice under the sea: exploring the genetic blueprint of reproduction in sea urchins |
Li Guo | College of Medicine | How does overnutrition lead to diabetes? |
Kasey Longley | College of Social Work | Caring for the carers: Identifying support for older adult kinship caregivers |
Shannon Griffin | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory | Engineering superconducting magnets via structural simulations |
Katherine Odegaard | Biological Science | Neural Processing of Taste and Expectation in the Mediodorsal Thalamus of Mice |
Yijiong Yang | Nursing | Addressing ADRD and COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Strategies for Enhancing Health Outcomes |
Stephen Yuwono | Chemistry and Biochemistry | How electrons dance when things go heavy and fast |
Herschel Chawdhry | Physics | Particle physics and the quest for high precision |
Behrouz Ghazi Esfahani | Molecular Biophysics | SPOT-RASTR a novel method to prepare cryoEM samples |
Fall 2024 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2024 Travel Award Recipients! The following Postdoctoral Scholars have been selected for the Fall Travel (Professional Development) Award.
Ann Centner | Biomedical Sciences | American Society for Nutrition, Chicago, IL | Stephen Chelko, Advisor |
Ardeshir Akbarabadi | Biomedical Sciences | Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL | Mohamed Kabbaj, Advisor |
Selin Karakose | Geriatrics | The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA | Antonio Terracciano, Advisor |
Yijiong Yang | College of Nursing | 2024 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, Minneapolis, MN | Jing Wang, Advisor |
Jakub Hruby | Magnet Laboratory | Rocky Mountain Conference 2024, Copper Mountain, CO | Stephen Hill, Advisor |
Dylan Rogers | Classics | Lechaion Harbor and Settlement Land Project, Corinth, Greece | Andrea DeGiorgi, Advisor |
Spring 2024 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2024 Travel Award Recipients! The Postdoctoral Awards Committee and the OPDA have selected the following scholars for the Spring Travel (Professional Development) Award. The 8 awardees would attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Stephen Yuwono | Chemistry and Biochemistry | 63rd Sanibel Symposium, St. Augustine, Florida | A. Eugene DePrince III, Advisor |
Sungmin Jang | Geography | WSSA (World Social Science Association) Conference, San Antonio | Mark Horner, Advisor |
Olivia Cook | Psychology | Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting, Pasadena, CA | Colleen Ganley, Advisor |
Jeseok Bang | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory | ASC2024, Salt Lake City, Utah | David Larbalestier, Advisor |
Xiuming Sun | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Spatial-Stream-Network Model Training Workshop, Boise, Idaho | Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, Advisor |
Dan Liu | Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine | 2024 Global NF Conference, Brussels, Belgium | Yang Hou, Advisor |
Leila Rahimi | Civil and Environmental Engineering | The World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2024, Milwaukee, Wisconsin | Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, Advisor |
Seyedehshirin Kamalaldinezabadi | Molecular Biophysics | Gordon Research Conference on Three Dimentional Electron Microscopy, Spain | Scott Stagg, Advisor |
Fall 2023 5MR Competition Winners
Left to right: Stacey Patterson (VP for Research), Eunsaem Cho (Peoples Choice), Carolina Cawthon (1st Place), Olivia Cook (2nd Place), Chris Omni (2nd Place), Sara Kamanmalek (3rd Place), Debra Fadool (Director, OPDA).
On Thursday, September 21, 2023 the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs sponsored the annual 5MR competition as part of activities to mark the annual National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (September 18 - 22). Eleven postdoctoral researchers from a variety of departments and colleges around FSU shared their research with their peers and a panel of judges.
Here are our winners:
Dr. Carolina Cawthon - 1st Place
Dr. Chris Omni - 2nd Place
Dr. Olivia Cook - 2nd Place
Dr. Sara Kamanmalek - 3rd Place
Dr. Eunsaem Cho - Peoples Choice Award
Congratulations to the 2023 5-Minute Research (5MR) Competition winners!
Fall 2023 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2023 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 9 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Yuxiang Li | Biological Science, Program in Neuroscience | SfN Neuroscience 2023, Washington, D.C. | Jian Feng, Advisor |
Sara Kamanmalek | Civil and Environmental Engineering | AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA | Nasrin Alamdari, Advisor |
Maicon Landim Vieira | Biomedical Sciences | European Muscle Conference, Florence, Italy | Stephen Chelko, Advisor |
Lydia Babcock-Adams | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory | Gordon Research Seminar and Conference, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH | Amy McKenna, Advisor |
Eun Saem Cho | Civil and Environmental Engineering | AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA | Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf, Advisor |
Jusung Lee | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Biophysics and Structural Biology 2023, Austin, TX | Christian Bleiholder, Advisor |
Andrew McKay Flynn | Philosophy | New Orleans Workshop on Agency & Responsibility, New Orleans, LA | Edward Hinchman, Advisor |
Shannon Bayliss | Geography | Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon | Stephanie Pau, Advisor |
Janani Hamed | Chemical and Biomedical Engineering | ACS Fall 2023, San Francisco, CA | Rufina Alamo, Advisor |
Spring 2023 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2023 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 2 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Lee-Sak An | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference , Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA | Sungmoon Jung, Advisor |
Thais Pedrete | Chemisry and Biochemistry | 71st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Houston TX/td> | Christian Bleiholder, Advisor |
2022 - Fifth Annual Five Minute Research (5MR) Competition
Congratulations to the 2022 Five Minute Research (5MR) winners! On Friday, September 23, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs sponsored the fifth annual 5MR competition in conjunction with the annual National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week September 19 - 23. Twelve postdoctoral researchers from a variety of departments and colleges around FSU shared their research with their peers and a panel of judges.
Dr. Jayasankar Chempampadam Balasubramannian - COAPS
Dr. Havalend Steinmuller - Coastal and Marine Lab
Dr. Mohammad Nooranidoost - Mathematics
Dr. Shannon Bayliss - Geography
Dr. Chandrasekhar Akondi - Physics
Dr. Yuxiang Li - Neuroscience/Biology
Dr. Luna Hiron - COAPS
Dr. Dylan Rogers - Classics
Dr. Soumik Bhattacharya - Physics
Dr. Dinesh Ramesh - Engineering/Magnet Lab
Dr. Xin Chen - Geography
Dr. Hye Jung Yun - Florida Center Prevention Research
Thanks go out to all family members, research colleagues, faculty mentors/advisors, and our community of judges that continually support our terrific postdoctoral researchers across campus and helped make the afternoon a success!
Fall 2022 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2022 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Hye Jung Yun | Aeropropulsion, Mechatronics and Energy Center | National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, Minnesota | William Oates, Advisor |
Carolina Cawthon | Psychology | Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior Annual Meeting Porto, Portugal/td> | Alan Spector, Advisor |
Xin Tong | Scientific Computing | SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE22), Pittsburgh, PA | Bryan Quaife, Advisor |
Diana Lopez | Biological Science | Colacmar, Panama | Dan Okamoto, Advisor |
Moein Adnani Takantapeh | Physics | Gordon Research Conference on Unconventional Semiconductors and Their Applications, Ventura, CA | Hanwei Gao, Advisor |
Lindsey Biggs | Psychology | Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference, San Diego, CA | Elizabeth Hammock, Advisor |
Manfred Kraus | Physics | 15th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP 2022), Durham, UK | Fernando Cordero, Advisor |
Spring 2022 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2022 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 4 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Sejin Kim | Engineering | 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, TX | Sungmoon Jung, Advisor |
Mohammed Nooranidoost | Mathematics | APS March Meeting 2022, Convention Center, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL |
Nick Cogan, Advisor |
Shannon Davidson | School of Teacher Education | Conference of the National Association of Research of Science Teaching (NARST), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Lama Jaber, Advisor |
Hollie Daniels | Education Leadership and Policy Studies | Southern Sociological Society 2022 Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL | Toby Park-Gagham, Advisor |
5MR Winners
On Thursday, September 23, 2021, ten Postdoctoral Scholars showcased their research in 5 minutes! The ten finalists prepared for months, honing their research, and being able to present it in 5 minutes to a lay audience. This was the 4th annual 5MR that FSU Postdoctoral Scholars took part in to complete the National Postdoctoral Association week where Postdocs globally take part in a variety of events. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, FSU PDA (Postdoctoral Association), The Graduate School at FSU, and the University and Tallahassee communities congratulate the 2021 5MR winners listed below.
Summer 2021 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Summer 2021 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 5 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend global conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.

Beth Ann Williams | Religion | American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX | Joseph Hellweg, Advisor |
Debipreeta Bhowmik | Biomedical Sciences | Cell Symposia: Biological Assemblies: Phase Transitions and More, Seville, Spain |
Fanxiu Zhu, Advisor |
Karl Smith | NHMFL | American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference, Philadelphia, PA | Chris Henrickson, Advisor |
Shannon Montgomery | Family and Child Sciences | Ex4OSH International Conference 2021, Houston, TX | Joseph Grzywacz, Advisor |
Suraj Bajgain | EOAS | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA | Mainak Mookherjee, Advisor |
FSU Postdoctoral Scholars Contributions
Nice article featuring Postdoctoral Scholars contributions to Floroida State University. Click here to view article
Spring 2021 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2021 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored 2 Postdoctoral Scholars to attend virtual conferences to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Derrick Vaughn | EOAS | ASLO2021 Aquatic Science Meeting - Virtual | Robert Spencer, Advisor |
Li Sun | Biomedical Sciences | International Society for Extracellular Vesicles - Virtual | David Meckes, Advisor |
2020 - Five Minute Research (5MR) Competition - Third Annual
Congratulations to the 2020 Five Minute Research (5MR) winners! On Friday, September 18, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs sponsored the third annual 5MR competition in conjunction with the annual National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week September 14 - 18. In comparison to previous years where the competition was held live, this year due to the COVID requirements, the competition was held virtually via Zoom Conference. Ten postdoctoral researchers from a variety of departments and colleges around FSU shared their research with their peers and a panel of judges. While all the presentations were creatively delivered and provided a wealth of information to the community, the judges and the audience had the tough job to highlight three top winner's and a People's Choice, who are listed below. This year, the judging was so tight, two first place winners were made, removing the 2nd place winner! Much Congratulations to all!
1st Place: Drs. Vishnu Murali - Biomedical Engineering - "Saving the Smiles"
1st Place: Dr. Jacob Caldwell - Biomedical Science - "A Look at the Impact of Exercise Training on Cardiac Function in Adiponectin Knockout Mice"
3rd Place: Dr. Yana Bebieva - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute - "Wildfires: The Force Awakens"
People's Choice: Dr. Lili Hurioglu - Learning Systems Institute - "What is Happening in Math Classrooms?"
Thanks go out to all family members, research colleagues, faculty mentors/advisors, and our community of judges that continually support our terrific postdoctoral researchers across campus and helped make the afternoon a success!
Check our video archive for a posting of all recordings of the presenters that will be available soon!
A very special thank you to our FSU and TLH community of judges!
Mark Riley - Professor of Physics and Dean of the Graduate School
Stephen McDowell - Professor of Communication and Assistant Provost
Sally McRorie - Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs
Karema Tymes Harris - President & CEO of Foreign Affairs, Inc.
Will Hill - Veterinarian and Director of the Lab Animal Resources
Gary Ostrander - Professor of Medicine and Vice-president for Research
Shonda Knight - Executive Director Leon County Sherriff's Office
Postdoctoral Undergraduate Research Mentor Award 
Congratulations to Lorenzo Ruffini for being nominated for the 2020 Postdoctoral Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
Spring 2020 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2020 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Damaris Aschwanden | Geriatrics | European Conference of Personality, Madrid, Spain | Antonio Terracciano Advisor |
Alex Casella | Mathematics | In and Around Hyperpolic Geometry, El Barco de Avila, Spain | Sam Ballas Advisor |
Gema Hernan | Biological Science | Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, CA | Andrew Rassweiler Advisor |
Lorenzo Ruffoni | Mathematics | Artin Groups, CAT (0) Geometry & Related Topics, CIRM (Luminy, France) | Philip Bowers Advisor |
Vincent Eze | Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering | Materials Research Society, Phoenix, AZ | Okenwa Okoli Advisor |
Yana Bebieva | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute | Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, San Diego, CA | Kevin Speer Advisor |
Sarah Wieghold | Chemistry & Biochemistry | MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, AZ | Lea Nienhaus Advisor |
2019 5 Minute Research Competition

Derrick Vaughn, Katy Sparrow
Hands Down the Best Event!!! The only two regulations presenters had (1) had to explain the impact of their research in 5 minutes and (2) had to do so alone (no teams).
They were allowed to use ANY medium they wanted (slides, video, sing, dance, recite literature, props – anything) and it must appeal to an Educated Lay Audience, Reach Across their Discipline, and Challenge their Audience to Want to Know More! Congratulations to this years winners.
1st Place: Shirin Mozaffari - Magnetic Laboratory "Pushing Towards Room Temperature Superconductivity"
2nd Place: Yana Bebieva - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute "Deep Dive: What do Polar Oceans Conceal?"
3rd Place (tie): Katy Sparrow - Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science "New Methods to Study the Vulnerability of Peatland Carbon to Climate Change (Karaoke)"
3rd Place (tie): Derrick Vaughn - Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science "Blue Carbon in Northern Florida Wetlands - Implications for Climate Change Mitigation"
People's Choice: Katy Sparrow - Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science "New Methods to Study the Vulnerability of Peatland Carbon to Climate Change (Karaoke)"
2019 Poster Winners

Interdisciplinary: La Tasha Holden, Department of Psychology - Examining Grit and Mindset in Concurrent and Future Reading Comprehension: A Twin Study
Life Science: MR Bangs, Biological Science - Determining Species Placement of a New High-elevation Record for Mammals from Soil E-DNA
Physical Science: Trina Merrick, Geographt - Multi-scale Analysis of Photosynthetic Function of Tropical Forest Canopies from Tower, UAV, and Satellite Remote Sensing
Fall 2019 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2019 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 6 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Abhisek Basu | EOAS | American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019; San Francisco, CA | Mainak Mookherjee Advisor |
David Rose | Philosophy | Society for Philosophy & Psychology; San Diego, CA | Al Mele Advisor |
Francesca Bernardi | Mathematics | 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics; Seattle, WA | Nicholas G. Cogan Advisor |
Heather DuBois | Religion | American Academy of Religion; San Diego, CA | John Kelsay Advisor |
Hye Jin Hwang | Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) | International Literacy Association; New Orleans, LA | Sonia Q. Cabell Advisor |
Oleksandr Vlasiuk | Matehmatics | Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020; Denver, CO | Alexander Reznikov Advisor |
Postdoc Congratulations
Congratulations to Max Bangs, from Scott Steppan's lab. Max was the NEB prizewinner of the 6th Annual Postdoctoral Oral Presentation/Competition held Monday, April 8th. Max research focused on 'Determining Species Placement of a New High-Elevation Record for Mammals from Soil eDNA'.
Congratulations also to Peter Cheetham, who was selected for the 2019 Postdoctoral Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. Peter will be recognized at the Fall Postdoctoral Symposium in September.
Congratulations to both of you!
Spring 2019 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2019 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 8 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Ashini Jaysinghe | Chemistry & Biochemistry | ACS National Meeting and Exposition; Orlando, FL | Susan Latturner Advisor |
Christopher Daly | EOAS | Coastal Sediments 2019 Conference; St. Petersburg Beach, FL | Jaap Nienhuis Advisor |
Fanny Caroline Liu | Chemistry & Biochemistry | ACS National Meeting and Exposition; Orlando, FL | Alan Marshall Advisor |
Jessica Carey-Webb | Modern Languages and Linguistics | Latin American Studies Association Conference; Boston, MA | Juan Carlos Galeano Advisor |
Katherine Harrington | Classics | Ismenion Hill Study Season; Thebes, Greece | Daniel Pullen Advisor |
Natalie Wildermann | EOAS | International Sea Turtle Symposium; Charleston, S.C. | Mariana Fuentes Advisor |
Shuying Yang | EOAS | 50th Lunar & Planetary Science Conference; The Woodlands, TX | Munir Humayun Advisor |
Somayeh Mashayekhi | Scientific Computing | 2019 SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering; Spokane, WA | Peter Beerli Advisor |
Accomplishments - Achievements - Research
Postdocs, would you like help to disseminate your research, service, and mentoring achievements to a broader audience via the @FSUPostdocs Twitter account? If you have exciting new findings, just been published, received a grant or award, got hired for a new position, or have other accomplishments you would like to share for yourself or your mentees, please share them with us. Just send the content to be tweeted to Biological Science postdoc Matt Holding at and it will be shared on @FSUPostdocs. Us the following guidelines to prepare your content.
Send links to papers or websites, photos of the activity, or other material that isn't just text. Tweets get more traction if they contain content other than text alone.
Provide less than 280 characters of text for the tweet describing the activity. Include Twitter handles for your colleagues/collaborators where appropriate, if you know them, and any #hashtags to which the tweet can link. We can also retweet content you put out on your own Twitter account if you drop us a line with your Twitter handle and the specific tweet we should retweet.
5MR Research Competition

New this year was a 5 Minute Research Competition – Hands Down the Best Event!!! The only two regulations presenters had (1) had to explain the impact of their research in 5 minutes and (2) had to do so alone (no teams). They were allowed to use ANY medium they wanted (slides, video, sing, dance, recite literature, props – anything) and it must appeal to an Educated Lay Audience, Reach Across their Discipline, and Challenge their Audience to Want to Know More! Congratulations to the winners.
- 1st Place ($1000) - Ashini Jayasinghe - Chemistry & Biochemistry "Exploring Stable Forms for Radioactive Waste Storage"
- 2nd Place ($750) - Shuying Yang - Magnet Laboratory "Degassing Germanium from Martian Volvanoes"
- People's Choice ($500) - Katy Sparrow - EOAS " Landfill: Emission Mission: Using Isotopes to Build a Better Landfill and Future"
Fall 2018 Postdoctoral Symposium Poster Competition
In celebration of the National Postdoctoral Awareness Week that is held in the third week of September, the Florida State University Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) and Postdoctoral Association (PDA) hosted the sixth annual Fall Postdoctoral Poster Competition and Symposium. Scholars were judged and awarded for first place in 3 different divisions ($250 award checks to the top presenters) . Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Interdisciplinary/Humanities.
We extend our congratulations to the following award winners! -
- Marta Sena-Velez (Biological Science) = 1st Place for Life Sciences. 'Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus ' Bacteriophage search and the Role of the Ompa Protein in Liberibacter Species
- Francesca Bernardi (Mathematics) = 1st Place for Physical Sciences. How Boundaries Shape Chemical Deliveries in Microfluidics
- Trina L. Merrick (Geography) = 1st Place for Interdisciplinary Research. Assessing Tropical Forest Functioning Using Multiscale Remote Sensing
Congratulations to Natalie Wildermann, a postdoctoral scholar with Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS). Natalie recently conducted a study with other EOAS members, where they discovered that recreational fisheries pose a threat to skittish sea turtles. Her lead-authored article published in Oryx, details the impact of scallop fishing on sea turtles. You can read the complete article here.
Fall 2018 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2018 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 8 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Blake Jones | Biological Science | 27th International Ornithological Congress; Vancouver, B.C. Canada | Emily DuVal Advisor |
Jacqueline Sztepanacz | Biological Science | II Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology - Montpellier 2018; Montpellier, France | David Houle Advisor |
Theodore Them | EOAS | Goldschmidt Conference; Boston, MA | Jeremy Owens Advisor |
Robert Wandell | Chemical & Biomeical Engineering | Gordon Research Conference; Smithfield, RI | Bruce Locke Advisor |
Jessica Maxwell | Psychology | Canadian Sex Research Forum; Toronto, Canada | Jim McNulty Advisor |
Annadanesh Shellikeri | Electrical & Computer Engineering | 14th Annual Lithium Battery Materials & Chemistries; Arlington, VA | Jim Zheng Advisor |
Rebecca Falcasantos | Religion | Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting; Denver, CO | Nicole Kelley Advisor |
Chris Ashall | Physics | Massive Stars & Supernovae; Bariloche, Argentina | Eric Hsiao Advisor |
Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Oral Competition Day
The Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Oral Competition Day held on Monday, March 5, 2018 in the King Life Science Building was a huge success! Congratulations to Anil Matthew Thrappel, who was the winner of the $1,000 shopping spree sponsored by VWR lab supply. A huge thank you to VWR lab supply for sponsoring the event, and to the faculty judges. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard in preparing your presentations. Click here for a copy of the flyer that includes titles of all the presentations and participant.
Spring 2018 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2018 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Kevin Huang | Physics | APS March Meeting 2018; Los Angeles, CA | Ryan Baumbach Advisor |
Marta Sena-Velez | Biological Science | International Conference of Plant Pathology (ICPP2018); Boston, MA | Kathryn M. Jones Advisor |
Nirupam Karmaker | EOAS | 3rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology; Ponte Verde, FL | T N Krishnamurti Advisor |
Olena Burkovska | Scientific Computing | MoRePaS 2018 Conference (Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems IV); Nantes, France | Max Gunzburger Advisor |
Poh Wee Koh | Psychology | Association for Reading and Writing in Asia Conference; Tsukuba, Japan | Richard K. Wagner Advisor |
Qiong Liu | Mechanical Engineering | US-Japan Workshop on Bridging Fluid Mechanics and Data Science; Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan | Kunihiko Taira Advisor |
Xiaoyu Wang | Biomedical Sciences | Association for Research in Otolaryngology MidWinter Meeting; San Diego, CA | Yuan Wang Advisor |
Fall 2017 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2017 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 6 Postdoctoral Scholars across the globe to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Kristin Austin | Psychology | Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies 51st Annual Convention; San Diego, CA | Michael Kofler, Advisor |
Katherine Dale | School of Communication | National Communication Association Annual Conference; Dallas, TX | Arthur Raney, Advisor |
Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler | Biological Sciences, Ecology & Evolution | Ecological Society of America Meeting; Portland, OR | Thomas Miller, Advisor |
Nikhil Gupta | Mechanical Engineering | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots & Systems; Vancouver, Canada | Emmanuel Collins, Advisor |
Anais Nony | Modern Languages and Linguistics | 2nd International Conference on Deleuze and Artistic Research; Ghent, Belgium | Aimee Boutin, Advisor |
Fei Wu | Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science | Goldschmidt Conference; Paris, France | Jeremy Owens, Advisor |
AIA Grant Award
Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Craft, a teaching postdoctoral fellow from the Department of Classics. Dr. Craft was recently awarded a Julie Herzig Desnick Grant for her project in the Timok Region of Zajecar Province, Serbia, from the Archaeological Institute of America. The Julie Herzig Desnick Grant Committee was impressed by the comprehensive description Dr. Craft provided for her project, the research design, and its potential significance for archaeology. Dr. Craft's advisor and major professor in the Department of Classics is Dr. Daniel Pullen, Professor and Chairman. Congratulations Dr. Craft!

Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Oral Competition Day
The Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Oral Competition Day held on Monday March 6, 2017 in the King Life Science Building event was a huge success! Congratulations to Dale Bosco (Ren Lab). Dale was the winner of the $500 shopping spree sponsored by VWR lab supply. Dale presented on roles in spinal cord injury. Below are photos from the event. "Click Here" for a flyer of all the presentations and participants.
Spring 2017 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2017 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars across the country to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Allyson Gonzalez | Religion | Research & International Cinema and Literature in the 21st Cenury; Madrid, Spain | Aline Kalbian, Advisor |
Anne Kellerman | Education | ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Honolulu, HI | Robert Spencer, Advisor |
Erminia Fardone | Nuclear Physics | A Chemoreception Sciences (AChemS) Conference; Bonita Springs, FL | Debi Fadool, Advisor |
Florina Erbeli | Florida Center for Reading, Psychology | Scientific Studies of Reading Annual Meeting; Nova Scotia, Canada | Jeanette Taylor, Advisor |
Lindley Graham | Scientific Computing | SIAM CSE17- Computational Science Engineering; Atlanta, GA | Max Gunzburger, Advisor |
Martina Luchetti | Behavioral Science & Social Medicine | Association for Research in Personality Conference; Sacramento, CA | Angelina Sutin, Advisor |
Shirpa Gupta | Chemistry and Biochemistry | American Chemical Society; San Francisco, CA | Jack Saltiel, Advisor |
Spring 2016 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Spring 2016 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars across the country to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Alina Adrasi | Chemistry of Semiconductors | American Chemical Society National Meeting; San Diego, CA | Michael Shatruk, Advisor |
Rebecca Brower | Education | American Education Research Association; Washington, DC | Tamara B. Jones, Advisor |
Audrey Grockowiak | Nuclear Physics | Stewardship Science Academic Programs; Bethesda, MD | Stanley Tozer, Advisor |
Mathew Johnson | Biophysics/Structural Biology | NCMI Cyro-EM 3D Image Analysis Symposium; Lake Tahoe, CA | Elizabeth Stroupe, Advisor |
Bernhard Mayer | Planetary Science | Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; Houston, TX | Munir Humayun, Advisor |
Mark Rider | Biomedical Science | Cold Spring Harbor Workshop, Cold Spring Harbor, NY | David Meckes, Advisor |
Laura Santonja | Thermal Analysis & Biomedical Engineering | International Confederation of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry; Orlando, FL | Rufina G. Alamo, Advisor |
Zhenzhong Shi | Physics | American Physical Society, Baltimore, MD |
Dragana Popovic, Advisor
Fall 2016 Travel Award Recipients
Congratulations to our Fall 2016 Travel Award Recipients! The OPDA sponsored the travel of 7 Postdoctoral Scholars across the country to gain professional development while disseminating their research findings and representing FSU in a variety of fields.
Trelani Chapman | Florida Center for Reading | Society for the Scientific Study of Reading; Portugal | Chris Lonigan, Advisor |
Sarah Craft | Classics | Archaelogical Institute of American Annual Meeting; Toronto, Canada | Daniell Pullen, Advisor |
Lida Ghazanfari | Biological Science/Biphysics |
Micro and Nanotechnologies for Medicine Workshop; Boston, MA |
Steve Lenhert, Advisor |
Christain Reusche | Physics | LoopFest Conference; Buffalo, NY and Multi Boson Interactions; Madison, WI | Laura Reina, Advisor |
Aditya Rotti | Physics | Cosmic Microwave Background S4 Workshop; Chicago, IL | Kevin Huffenberger, Advisor |
Mingchao Wang | Mechanical Engineering | Materials Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit; Boston, MA | Shangchao Lin, Advisor |
Fall 2016 Postdoctoral Symposium Poster Competition
As part of the Fall Postdoctoral Symposium and National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week, scholars were judged in 3 different divisions ($100 award checks to the top presenters) including a People's Choice Award. We extend our congratulations to the following award winners! (left to right) -
- Payal Ghoshi = 1st Place for Life Sciences. "Potential Effects of Deep Space Radiation on Vascular Function and Impact onAstronant Health"
- Tiglet Besara = 1st Place for Physical Sciences. "Hardest Known Biocompatible Intermetallic Compounds: B-Ti3AU"
- Katherine Dale = 1st Place for Interdisciplinary Research. "Mapping the Anatomy of Inspiration: Identifying and Analyzing Elicitors of Self-transcendent Emotions in Media"
- Veronique Richard = People's Choice Award. "Effects of a Creativity Supportive Environment on Divergent Thinking and Performance in Athletics"