Upcoming Events

"Welcome" Mini-Orientation Sessions for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus

By Zoom Conference - you will be given Conference ID by email a couple days prior to the orientation

Registration is NOW Open for the New Postdoc Welcome

April 28, 2025, 12 pm noon

All new postdoctoral scholars on campus should attend either the full Summer Orientation or a new postdoctoral scholar "Welcome." The "Welcome" format of orientation serves to give new postdocs the basics of the full required orientation program in the spans of an hour over the lunch period.  It is designed for scholars that initiate their training during the year rather than in synchrony with the start of the school year in August.  You could converse with Human Resources representatives about initiating your employee benefits within the 60-day onboarding window, learn about support for global engagements, join the leadership team of our postdoctoral association (PDA), and hear about opportunities for fellowships, travel awards, and professional development activities.  

Since I am on sabbatical and we cannot conduct the "Welcome" in person this spring, we will collect departmental addresses to delivery your memory stick with all pertinent materials concerning postdoctoral training, opportunities, postdoc manual, and annual review, and professional development texts! - 

Debi, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs


International Engagements (Schaad/Lawson) - 12:00 - 12:10 pm

Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly) - 12:10 - 12:20 pm

Join the PDA!! (Rivers) - 12:20 - 12:30 pm

General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool) - 12:30 - 12:55 pm

Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (McLaughlin/Atkins) - 12:55 - 1:20 pm

National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (#NPAW2024) Fall Symposium!!

Announcing our 10 FINALISTS for the 5MR Competition on Friday, October 18, 2024 - Hope you can join us to select the winner!

Ahinsa Ranaweera - The HIV Capsid: A Promising Target For Anti-HIV Drugs And More?

Behrouz Ghazi Esfahani - SPOT-RASTR a novel mehtod to prepare cryoEM samples

Herschel ChawdhryParticle physics and the quest for high precision

Kasey Longley Caring for the Carers: Identifying Support for Older Adult Kinship Caregivers

Katherine OdegaardA matter of taste: unveiling the "new" region in taste processing

Li GuoHow does high does of fat and sugar lead to diabetes?

Pearl Rivers KeyMate choice under the sea: exploring the genetic blueprint of reproduction in sea urchins

Shannon GriffinNumerical Analysis in HTS Magnets

Stephen YuwonoHow electrons dance when things go heavy and fast

Yijiong YangAddressing ADRD and COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Strategies for Enhancing Health Outcomes


NEW DATES AND TIMES ARE NOW POSTED FOLLOWING DISRUPTION BY HURRICANE HELENE - If you did not register previously and can now attend based on the new dates below, please follow registration and join us.  If you registered previously, no need to reregister for the new dates.


Rescheduled for Friday, October 18, 2024 - 1:30 to 3 pm - College of Medicine Atrium = Postdocs come on out and share your research focus through poster presentation in the afternoon.  No need to make a new poster, but feel free to make second use of a recent poster from a conference, and explain it to your colleagues in another discipline!  Poster participants must by postdoctoral scholars and upload an abstract of their work by Thursday, September 19th to be included in the Fall Symposium Booklet.  There will be a People's Choice voting for best presenter that will occur at 3 pm at the end of the session for a $500 award to highlight the postdoc with the best talent for explaining the discipline of their research to a fellow scholar.  Come on out and share your research!


Friday, October 18, 2024 - 3:30 to 5:15 pm - College of Medicine Auditorium = Ten finalists will present their research in a creative oral competition in which there is only ONE rule! - not longer than 5 minutes!!!  Presenters will be scored by a panel of notable judges in our FSU and Tallahassee Community.  Ever wonder why there is resistance to COVID vaccines?  How electrons dance?  How particles make up all matter?  Why older care kinship givers need extra care?  Ever consider how your brain detects tastes when you eat or how lots of fat/sugar can lead to diabetes?  Come and find out - support your postdoctoral researchers in this endeavor as they explain their research results in a public audience.  Postdocs, graduate scholars, undergraduate students, faculty, and staff are all invited to attend the 5MR competition!  There will be a People's Choice voting for best oral presentation that will occur at 5:15 pm at the end of the 5MR competition.

Please see here for judges rubric/scoring sheet that are used in the 5MR competition

You may aso view videos from the 2023 competition on YouTube by following this link and selecting the previous presenter's name. 


Friday, October 18, 2024 - 5:30 to 7 pm - College of Medicine Atrium and Courtyard = There will be an awards ceremony, announcing annual awards for travel grants, PPFP scholars, Fulbright recipients, UROP Postdoctoral Mentor Award, and of course winners of the Poster session and the 5MR competition.  Special thank you to President McCullough for hosting the reception for the postdoctoral scholars and the research community.  

Parental Leave Survey - We want your input!

The PDA and OPDA invite faculty and postdocs to follow a survey 



A literature review conducted in 2017 found that paid parental leave was associated with improved infant and maternal health outcomes (Heymann et al., 2017). In 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that 17% of all civilian workers had access to paid family leave, and 89% had access to unpaid family leave (including maternity and paternity leave, adoption leave and caring for a sick relative) (Statistics, 2019). Under federal law, postdoc fathers and/or mothers who have worked at FSU for at least 12 months have the right to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Currently, tenure-track faculty at FSU have access to 16 weeks of paid parental leave. However, there is currently no paid parental leave policy in place for FSU postdocs.  

We are interested in learning more about the thoughts and opinions of faculty members regarding a proposal for paid parental leave for postdocs. Please answer several questions to allow us to better understand the opinions of faculty.  Your answers will help us in formulating a proposal for postdoctoral parental leave tailored to the needs of our institution.  We will share the results of the survey with the Postdoc Advisory Board that governs postdoctoral scholars at FSU.

Please note that this survey is anonymous and you will not be able to be identified.

This survey should take approximately 5 minutes of your time.

Thank you!

Shannon Montgomery, PDA President


Heymann, J. et al. (2017) ‘Paid parental leave and family wellbeing in the sustainable development era’, Public Health Reviews, 38(1), p. 21. doi: 10.1186/s40985-017-0067-2.

Statistics, U. S. B. of L. (2019) Access to paid and unpaid family leave in 2018. Available at: https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2019/access-to-paid-and-unpaid-family-leave-in-2018.htm (Accessed: 24 March 2021).

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