National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week Events - 2023
On Thursday, September 21, 2023, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs sponsored the annual 5MR competition as part of activities to mark the annual National Postdoctoral Appreciation week (September 18 - 22). Photos from this event and other events to mark the NPA week are now available here.
Fall 2019 Postdoctoral Symposium, Poster and 5MR Competition
The PDA & ODPA celebrated the National Postdoctoral Awareness the week of September 16 - 20 by organizing the 7th Annual Postdoctoral Symposium locally at FSU. The event was held in the King Life sciences Building. On Wednesday, September 18, the PDA hosted Dr. Rachel Herz, she is a Neuroscientist who is a world-renowned expert on the psychological science of smell. She lectured on her new book "Why you eat what you eat."
On Friday, September 20, the poster competition and five minute research competition was held in the King Life Science Building from 2 - 6 pm. Congratulations to all award winners! Please click on title above for photographs of the event.
Spring Event 2019
Friday May 10, 2019, FSU PDA hosted the 2019 Postdoc Spring Event titled: "Balanced Postdoc". Dr. Debi Fadool, Director, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, wants to thank everyone who attend the workshop and hope you found it beneficial. She would also like to thank everyone who had a hand in putting the event together, as well as the guest speakers, Kyle Caswell and Dr. Samantha Nix, and the panelists.
Fall 2018 Postdoctoral Symposium, Poster and 5MR Competition
The PDA & ODPA celebrated the National Postdoctoral Awareness on September 21st by organizing the 6th Annual Postdoctoral Symposium locally at FSU - Intentional Career Planning Brings Success. This year we introduced the inaugural five minute research (5MR) competition to the day's events!!! Please click on the title above for photographs of the days' events and look back soon for YouTube videos of our 11 presenters. Our keynote address was a team effort by our own Ms. Leah Sibbit, Assistant Director of the Career Center, "Steps to Employability" and Dr. Judith Devine, Senior Dean of the Graduate School, "Preparing Future Professionals and Faculty - PFP & PFF Programs". Please see our event archives for all the powerpoint visuals!
Summer 2018 Postdoctoral & Advisor Appreciation Lunch
On June 29, 2018, the PDA & OPDA hosted an appreciation lunch for postdoctoral scholars & their advisors in the Honors, Scholars & Fellows Building. Three postdoc scholars presented 5 minute presentations of their research. To view photos of the event, please click the headline.
2018 FSU Postdoctoral Assocation (PDA) Spring Event
This year's Spring Event was "Diversifying Research - Is There Permanent Job Placement for Me?" Thank you to master of ceremonies, Peter Cheetam, VP of the PDA. The keynote addresses were presented by Dr. Jabbar Bennet, Associate Provost and Diversity Officer, Northwestern University and Jessica Lee, Founder of ThePregnantScholar.org. There was a special Diversifying Panel by guest facilitators, Judy Devine, JR Harding, Louis Colling, Kris Harper, Will Hill, Emily Moriarty-Lemmon, and Alan Lemmon that opened discussions on 1st generation scholars, returning to training, veterans, two-career couples, work/family balance, under-represented groups, and disabilities. Check out also our Facebook Live Stream at FSUPostdocs. Enjoy the photos from the event!
2017 Postdoctoral Symposium and Poster Competition
The keynote address was presented by, Dr. Timothy McClintock, Department of Physiology, University of Kentucky. Dr. McClintock spoke to attendees about "Creating Opportunities for Others is the Essence of Leadership and Management". There was a special networking workshop by our own Thierry Dubroca - Use LinkedIN to get that job interview and make connections! Enjoy the new photos!
2017 FSU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Spring Event
The keynote address was presented by, Dr. Lori Conlan, Director of postdoctoral Affairs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Conlan spoke to attendees about "Job Search - strategies to find a career". There was also panel discussions provided by 3 industrial scientists/research specialists & 3 assistant professors. Afterwards, all enjoyed a potluck dinner with time to socialize and network.
2016 FSU Postdoc Symposium
The fourth annual Postdoc Symposium and Poster Competition centered on the theme "How to be your own boss: Establishing a startup and research lab".
2016 FSU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Spring Event
This year's spring event was "Managing Data and People"! Postdocs had the opportunity to participate in workshop activities that explored mentoring in a shifting environment, diversity in the workplace, and good stewardship of data management. An international potluck was enjoyed by scholars, friends, and family.
2015 FSU Postdoc Holiday Party
FSU postdoctoral scholars from across campus gathered for a Holiday Party on December 5th from 6 to 10 pm in the Dittmer Chemistry Lounge. It was a potluck event and postdocs brought their friends and family - all were welcome!
2015 FSU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Spring Event
"Career Paths Beyond Academia"
Postdocs had the opportunity to explore career paths in several domains outside the traditional university setting.
2015 FSU Postdoc Symposium
The third annual Postdoc Symposium gave postdoctoral scholars the chance to discuss their research with faculty members and colleagues.
2014 FSU Postdoc Symposium
The second annual Postdoc Symposium supported and promoted our postdoctoral scholars and their remarkable research.
2013 FSU Postdoc Symposium
This was an excellent opportunity for postdocs to share their work with colleagues outside of their department and for FSU to celebrate and show appreciation for postdoc's contributions to our success. There were 3 poster prizes and the event concluded with a wine and cheese reception compliments of the Graduate School and the President's Office.
2013 Postdoc Town Hall
PDA and Postdoctoral office representatives met with Postdoctoral Fellows in a Town Hall setting.
2013 Postdoc Memorial Day Picnic
Postdoctoral fellows and their families gathered at Tom Brown Park for an afternoon of fun.