Individual Development Plan
- Individual Development Plan for Postdoctoral Scholars as Adopted by Florida State University
- myIDP, an interactive web-based tool that helps postdocs in the sciences examine their skills, interests, and values
Mentoring and Annual Review Forms
- The AAMC Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors
- FSU Annual Review of Postdoctoral Scholars
Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) and Preparing Future Professional (PFP) Programs
Useful Career Building Textbooks
"2018 Career Handbook" by Science Careers, from the Journal Science.
"The Complete Guide to Writing Effective & Award-Winning Grants: Step-by-Step Instructions" by Dianne Harris
"From Student to Scholar: A Candid Guide to Becoming a Professor" by Steven M. Cahn
"How the NIH Can Help You Get Funded: An Insider's Guide to Grant Strategy" by Michelle L. Kienholz
"Making the Right Moves - A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty" You may click here for the online version or write to Debra Fadool at to arrange to get a copy of the book.
"A PhD Is Not Enough!: A Guide to Survival in Science" by Peter J. Feibelman
"Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering" by Richard M. Reis
"Advancing Postdoc Women Guidebook" by the National Postdoctoral Association. Janet Bandows Koster (Women in Science, Executive Director & CEO) and Cynthia L. Simpson (Women in Science, Chief Business Officer) are contributing authors.
Other Links
- The AAAS
- NAS Postdoc Home Page
- Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers (NAS/COSEPUP's Guide)
- AWIS (Association for Women in Science)
- The NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education (OITE)
- NIGMS Resources for Postdocs
- Acquiring a Data Science Job Resource
Life after FSU

- 38 common non-academic, non-industry career paths for PhD-level life scientists
- Beyond Academia from the University of Washington Career Center
- Career Paths for Life Scientists
- Nontraditional Careers: Opportunities Away from the Bench from AAAS Science Careers
- Peter Fiske: Putting Your Degree to Work: Practical Career Strategies for Scientists
- Peter Fiske: Opportunities: Research Inc.
- Mastering Your Ph.D.: Preparing for Your Post-Ph.D. Career
- Transferring Skills into Career Options
- The Chronicle: Career Paths for Life Scientists
- The Chronicle: How to Plan for a Career Before You Have One
- Webinars from AAAS ScienceCareers
- Inside Scientific Webinars
Job Boards
- Academic Keys
- Bio Careers Jobs Board for Life Science Postgraduates
- Biochemistry Jobs
- BioSpace Jobs
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Employment Links for the Biomedical Scientist
- Engineer Jobs
- Fierce Pharma Jobs
- Indeed
- Inside Higher Ed
- Jobs for PhDs
- MassBio Jobs
- Medcine Jobs
- Monster Job
- Naturejobs
- New England HERC
- NewScientist Jobs
- New York Academy of Sciences - Science Alliance
- PhD Jobs
- Science and Research Jobs
- Top Higher-Education Jobs
- The National Registry of Diverse & Strategic Faculty
- The Scientist|Careers
- University Job Bank
- How to Use LinkedIn to Find a Job: A Great Profile Is Not Enough
- How Do I Create a Professional Network? from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Coffee in 2002, a Job Offer in 2004 from the Chronicle of Higher Education
CVs and Resumes
- CV and Resume Samples from the UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development
- How to Craft a Professional Resume
- Creating and Maintaining Your CV from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- The CV Doctor from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Unrecommendation from the Chronicle of Higher Education
Cover Letters
- How To Write Appealing Cover Letters from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- What You Don't Know About Cover Letters from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Writing a Good Cover Letter for the Academic Job Market from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Cover Letters for Administrative Jobs from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Writing a Winning Cover Letter from AAAS Science Careers
- That Crucial First Impression from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Free Cover Letter Template from my Perfect cover letter
Research Statements
- Developing a Winning Research Statement from the UCSF Office of Career and Professional Development
- Writing a Research Plan from AAAS Science Careers
Teaching Statements, Philosophies, and Portfolios
- 4 Steps to a Memorable Teaching Philosophy from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Writing Samples and Teaching Statements from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Writing the Teaching Statement from AAAS Science Careers
- How to Write a Statement of Teaching Philosophy from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- What's Your Philosophy on Teaching, and Does It Matter? from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Interviewing Skills from the NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education
- Interviewing Skills from Nature Jobs
- Interviewing Skills from AAAS Science Careers
- How to Prepare for an Interview
- Resources for Interviewing to Small Liberal Arts Colleges from Swarthmore College