Descriptions of previous workshops and events are below; click on the presentation link to download a .pdf version of the slides, when available.
National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (#NPAW2024) Fall Symposium!!
Announcing our 10 FINALISTS from the 5MR Competition FORMERLY HELD on Friday, October 18, 2024 -
We have Now ADDED YouTube videos of their talks (Presenter name hyperlinked) and their PP slides, click 'here'
Ahinsa Ranaweera - The HIV Capsid: A Promising Target For Anti-HIV Drugs And More? HERE for just PP Slides
Behrouz Ghazi Esfahani - SPOT-RASTR a novel mehtod to prepare cryoEM samples HERE for just PP Slides
Herschel Chawdhry - Particle physics and the quest for high precision HERE for just PP Slides
Kasey Longley - Caring for the Carers: Identifying Support for Older Adult Kinship Caregivers HERE for just PP Slides
Katherine Odegaard - A matter of taste: unveiling the "new" region in taste processing HERE for just PP Slides
Li Guo - How does high does of fat and sugar lead to diabetes? HERE for just PP Slides
Pearl Rivers Key - Mate choice under the sea: exploring the genetic blueprint of reproduction in sea urchins HERE for just PP Slides
Shannon Griffin - Numerical Analysis in HTS Magnets HERE for just PP Slides
Stephen Yuwono - How electrons dance when things go heavy and fast HERE for just PP Slides
Yijiong Yang - Addressing ADRD and COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy: Strategies for Enhancing Health Outcomes HERE for just PP Slides
We want to thank President McCullough for Sponsorship of the POSTDOCTORAL AWARDS RECEPTION
"Welcome" Mini-Orientation Sessions for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus
Was held on January 27, 2025 - Please see the Presenter slides below associated with the Welcome's Agenda.
We will be mailing your memory sticks out the first week in February for all registered attendees - Please contact Dr. Fadool if you do not receive yours by mid February
International Engagements (Schaad/Lawson) - 12:00 - 12:10 pm
Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly) - 12:10 - 12:20 pm
Join the PDA!! (Rivers) - 12:20 - 12:30 pm
General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool) - 12:30 - 12:55 pm
Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (McLaughlin/Atkins) - 12:55 - 1:20 pm
National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (#NPAW2024) Fall Symposium!!
We had a wonderful afternoon of postdoctoral appreciation events on Friday, October 18, 2024 - following a delay attributed to Hurricanes Helene and Milton!
Please see photos from the Poster Event, 5MR Competition, and our Appreciation Reception sponsored by President McCullough. Thank you to all our staff in the graduate school that assisted with the event, our judges from FSU and the local community, the PDA officers, the BBB Biology Honor Society, and staff at the College of Medicine that helped us put on a terrific event. Congratulations to all our postdoctoral scholars for sharing their research with us and for all their challenging experiments they undertake throughout their training.
See Winners of the event posted on the "In the News" section of our website!!
Discovery Days Event
Date: October 11, 2024
Venue: Psychology Building A211
The full schedule for event:
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM - Invited talk (Dr. Carolina Cawthon)
2:45 PM - 3:15 PM - Panel discussion ("What is A Day in the Life of a Postdoctoral Researcher!")
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM - Professional photoshoot
All career levels are invited to the Discovery Day Event - Undergraduates, Graduate, Postdocs, and Faculty. Postdocs and laboratory groups are welcome to get professional headshots useful for job applications or group photos to post on websites.
New Postdoctoral Orientation
9:30 - 11:30 AM Session 1 - General Orientation
9:30 am - Welcome - Dean Riley
9:40 am - Center for Global Engagement - Samantha Buckley and Chandler Gadea-Guidicelli
9:55 am - Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) - Caity Bente
10:10 am - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs - Debra Ann Fadool
10:35 am - 10:45 am BREAK
10:45 am - Office of Human Resources, Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits - Danni Staats and Kelly McLaughlin
11:20 am - Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Vice President - Kasey Longley
(Lunch) for Postdoctoral Scholars and their Advisors
1:00 - 2:30 pm Session 2 - Mentor/Trainee, Individual Development Plan (IDP)
If you are a new postdoctoral scholar on campus, you are required to attend the new postdoctoral orientation session. This summer orientation is the full orientation that allows you an opportunity to fully plan your Individual Development Plan (IDP) with your advisor. Lunch is provided and new postdocs will have the opportunity to meet fellow Postdoctoral Scholar Officers of the Postdoctoral Association (PDA). Copies of the textbook "Making the Right Moves", a helpful text on your career advancement developed by HHMI and the National Academy, along with other professional development resources are distributed on memory jump drives.
If you are a new faculty member or new postdoctoral mentor, we highly encourage you to attend Session 1 with your postdoctoral trainee to learn more about the postdoctoral community and training opportunities supported by the OPDA. If you are a postdoctoral mentor with ANY level of experience, please join your trainee for lunch and then stay for Session 2 to prepare the IDP as a team.
There is typically an evening social hosted by the PDA on the evening of the New Postdoctoral Orientation - request to join the "FSU Postdocs" WhatsApp Channel to be fully connected to your postdoc peers.
The following information is presented by directors and coordinators of these topics -
- Expectations, Policies, Resources, Research Opportunities Animal and Human Subjects
- Individual Development Plan
- Funding your Research
- Award Information for Professional Development Travel, Oral Speaking, Grants and Fellowship Preparation
- Teaching Opportunities and Guidelines
- Interfacing with Professional Development at the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Graduate School
- Canvas and Omni Software Introduction (Payroll, Reimbursements)
- Human Resources (Minimum Salary, Health Insurance, Leave Policy, Retirement, Florida Prepaid College)
- Data Management Plans
- Career Center
- Postdoctoral Association (Events, Professional Development, and Networking)
- International Scholar VISA and Global Community
- Center for Intensive English Studies
"Welcome" Mini-Orientation Sessions for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus
Held at the Honors, Scholars & Fellows House, Room 3008, noon (12 pm) on Monday, April 29, 2024
All new postdoctoral scholars on campus joined us for the new postdoctoral scholar "Welcome." The "Welcome" format of orientation serves to give new postdocs the basics of the full required orientation program in the spans of an hour over the lunch period. It is designed for scholars that initiate their training during the year rather than in synchrony with the start of the school year in August. You could converse with Human Resources representatives about initiating your employee benefits within the 60-day onboarding window, learn about support for global engagements, join the leadership team of our postdoctoral association (PDA), and hear about opportunities for fellowships, travel awards, and professional development activities.
Debi, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool)
International Engagements (Schaad/Lawson)
Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly)
Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (McLaughlin/Atkins)
Join the PDA!! (Mansfeld)
Spring Event - "Mentoring: The Core of the Research Enterprise"
Friday, May 4-6, three progressive sessions from 2 - 4 pm, Online Zoom Communication
Friday, May 17, 9 am to 12 pm noon in the Nancy Marcus Great Hall, Honors Scholars and Fellows Building
The OPDA and PDA jointly hosted the Annual Spring Event focused on the theme of “Mentoring: The Core of the Research Enterprise”.
This year we will had two different activities:
1. May 6 - 8th (2 - 4PM): Postdoctoral Research Mentor Academy directed by Dr. Rachel Goff-Albritton, Assistant Director, Research Development and Mentoring and Program Lead, FSU Office of Research. This 3-day training program was limited to an enrollment of 20 postdoc scholars and was held via zoom. It structured around a series of interactive learning sessions on topics relevant to successful mentor-mentee interactions: You can read more about this nationally recognized program here - Research Mentor Academy - or direct inquiries to Dr. Golf-Albritton.
- Aligning Expectations
- Fostering Independence
- Maintaining Effective Communication
- Promoting professional Development
- Enhancing Work-Life Integration
2. May 17th (9 - noon): Mentoring workshop by guest lecturer Dr. David Purpura, Director of NSF-sponsored postdoctoral training program at Purdue University.
Dr. David Purpura shared how mentoring is far more than just advice bestowed from individuals more advanced in their careers. In his words, "it's the fundamental piece of all that we do in advancing our research enterprise and it must be a continual process across the entirety of our career and is bidirectional." We are excited that David, as an FSU alumnus returned to campus to discuss his perspective on mentoring, ideas for how to become better mentors and mentees, and provided opportunities for discussion. As part of the morning program, there was a Q&A panel of current FSU faculty across multiple disciplines focused on integrating mentorship best practices within research settings.
Dr Pupura's Biography - Dr. Purpura is a Professor of Human Development and Family Science at Purdue University and the Director of the Center for Early Learning which is a research, practice, and policy center. He earned his doctorate at Florida State University in Clinical Psychology. Across the last decade, he has directly mentored seven graduate students and 12 postdoctoral fellows. He has been the PI on over $10 million in grants from federal, state, and foundation sources including on a current NSF-funded postdoctoral training grant in STEM Education. His research is focused on how young children learn mathematics and the development of methods for identifying children likely to experience difficulties and intervention tools to support children's learning.
Morning Schedule -
9 am – 9:15 am: Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:15 – 11 am: Mentoring: The Core of the Research Enterprise – Dr. David Purpura
11 am – 11:50 am Faculty Q & A Panel
Dr. Vasa Misra – Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Dr. Lisa Magruder – Florida Institute for Child Welfare
Dr. Lenore McWey – Education
Dr. Sarah Lester – Biology
(Dr. Purpura is welcome to join as well)
11:50 – 12 pm Closing Remarks
12 pm noon All Welcomed to join for community lunch at the FSU union!
5 Minute Research Presentations - 2023
Here are the participants in the 5 Minute Research Competition for 2023 and their presentations. Clicking on the hyperlinked name of presenters would take you to the video of their presentation on YouTube!
Presenter Name | Department | Presentations (PDF) |
Sayyed Shaho Alaviani |
Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) & the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) |
Prateek Benhal |
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering |
Wireless Control of Cells for Cloning and Applied Science Applications |
Carolina Cawthon |
Psychology & Program in Neuroscience |
The Behavioral Basis for Wegovy® (Semaglutide)-induced Weight Loss |
Developmental Psychology |
EunSaem Cho |
Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Into the Hurricane: Unraveling Hurricane Ian's Terrifying Effects on Florida |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | ||
Civil and Environmental Engineering | ||
Geography, Public Health, & Art Education |
Black Joy in Green Spaces: A Nature-inspired, Endarkened Visual Narrative Inquiry |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | ||
Physics & National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab) |
Biomedical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence (AI) |
Thursday – 9th Annual 5-Minute Research Competition, FSU Alumni Center, 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Thursday – Reception Awards Ceremony, FSU Alumni Center, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Friday – Coffee/Tea Pastry for Postdocs and their Advisors, KIN Life Science (Biology) Rooftop Terrace Garden, 3rd Floor, 9:00 am to 12 pm
Saturday – Myers Park Picnic and Social, 3:00 pm to Sunset
5-Minute Research Competition (5MR) - Thursday, September 21, 3:45 pm Start time
FSU Alumni Center Ballroom, with Awards Reception in the Courtyard Following, ~5:30 pm Start Time
Audience Registration NOW CLOSED for the 5MR Event and Outdoor Awards Reception
Registration closes on September 19 (Tuesday).
We were excited to highlight our postdoctoral researchers on campus to showcase some of the most exciting work being performed by this special career stage. Ten finalists competed for cash awards for the best orator including a "People's Choice" from the audience!! Have you ever wondered how Ozembic works to reduce body weight? How magnets can be used to mitigate cancer? Do you know how artificial intelligence can be applied in the operating room?? How are civil and environmental engineers helping to combat hurricanes in Florida?
Undergraduates, graduate students, advisors, and members of the Tallahassee Community were all welcome to attend. Thank you to the OPDA, PDA, and the President's Office for sponsoring this event and outdoor reception.
Download Judges Scoring Template here for presentation guidelines
Download Advertisement Flyer HERE
Also this week we had a coffee/tea and pastry morning for postdocs and their advisor! This was held on Friday, September 22, from 9 to noon on the Terrace Roof Garden of the King Life Science Building. No registration was required for this event - so our postdocs could grab their advisor or their lab colleague and come on out to celebrate the quality and creativity of our postdoctoral researcher community!! King Life Sciences Building is located at 319 Stadium Drive - come on up to the third floor roof!!
Finally, we had a picnic on Saturday, September 23rd at Myers Park starting at 3 pm until sunset.
Venue: Myers Park - Pavilions near Wade Wehunt Pool parking area.
Everyone could bring their food to share, drinks, and outdoor games. Partners and families were encouraged to join in the fun! The event started at 3 PM and went on until sunset!
Postdoctoral Speed Networking
Honors, Scholars & Fellows House (HSF Room 3008)
5:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesday August 22, 2023
All postdoctoral scholars were invited to come on out and socialize to meet new peers and colleagues. The format was - rotating partners in a timed fashion - where postdocs described their research interests, career ambitions, and personal hobbies/"fun fact" to meet new friends on campus. Everyone had the freedom to drag their significant other, labmate, research colleague, mentor, or another friend on campus to the event. All were welcomed. This was an event following the work day - snacks and drinks were provided as a hold over until the proper dinner hour!
Was great to see you all there!
Please see links below for generated resources. Detailed grant writing tools for preparing competitive applications can be found on your Cavnas page for all registrants (Other postdocs and doctoral students, please inquire if you want to be added).
Part I - Grants Workshop Slide Files HERE
Grants Workshop Flyer - download HERE
Part II - (May 17, 2023) - Meet our FSU Scholars and Alumni that will give you support for your grant writing endeavor = Ashley Loeven, Benton Jaco, Aaron Rodriguez, Caityln Edwards, Eithan Cissell, Annais Bonilla-Johnson = download temporary zoom video HERE
Part II - (May 31, 2023) - Meet our FSU Scholars and Alumni that will give you support for your grant writing endeavor = Ashley Loeven, M and Louis Kolling = download temporary zoom video HERE
Part III - (August 2 or 9, 2023) - Remember to upload your full research plan and revised specific aims to your One Drive by July 1 and notify your 5-member faculty group to read and critique your proposal by the end of July so you have those materials for the mock study section that will by zoom conference.
The OPDA is partnering with OGFA and the Office of Research to host three interconnected workshops to assist postdoctoral scholars and graduate trainees with the preparation of extramural applications for grants. Not familiar with how to prepare a competitive fellowship or grant application packet with your mentor to support your independent research? This workshop is for you!
Scholars and trainees that participate in all three sessions and submit their proposal to an extramural agency are eligible to receive an intramural grant award that is used to support training-related expenses of their research project ($1000 graduate trainees, $1,500 postdoctoral scholars). These scholarships are generously provided by the Office of Research lead my new VP for Research, Dr. Stacy Patterson. Trainees must attend all 3 workshop components and submit the extramural application to be eligible.
PART I = Overview of Grant Opportunities by Experienced Faculty that have Served as Reviewers.
MEET THE SCHOLARS = Meet FSU Fellowship Holders and Alumni that have Successfully Received a Doctoral or Postdoctoral Grant.
PART II = Peer Writing Groups to Evaluate Specific Aims.
PART III = Engage in the Review Process.
August 2, or August 9. Time TBD via Zoom. Applications will be reviewed, critiqued and scored by reviewers in a simulated mock study section. You will prearrange a 5-member faculty panel that are experts in your research area to serve as grant reviewers of your full application or research plan. Your research mentor will chair this session and you will record their profession critiques to modify your application internally before you submit it externally to the funding agency.
Full Orientation for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus
Honors, Scholars & Fellows House (HSF 4009), Nancy Marcus Great Hall
Given on August 18, 2023
All new postdoctoral scholars were required to attend orientation. The orientation was designed to familiarize you with research resources on campus, introduce you to scholarship and professional development opportunities especially for postdoctoral scholars, and help you connect with our postdoctoral association (PDA) leadership team. You had the ability to discuss heath insurance and retirement benefits with enrollment specialists and take advantage of our resources for instructional excellence and our center for global engagement. Lunch was provided for you and your advisor by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. The afternoon session was a dedicated time for you and your advisor to construct the required Individual Development Plan, or IDP. The IDP is a required component of the non-competing renewal of NIH grants and is strongly encouraged by the National Science Foundation. To learn more about the IDP - see here.
Below was the full agenda -
Session 1 = General Orientation = 9:30 to 11:30 am
Welcome (Dean Riley) - 9:30 am
International Engagements (Neale) - 9:40 am
General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool) - 9:50 am
Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly) - 10:25 am
BREAK - 10:40 am
Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (Atkins & Howard) - 11:00 am
Join the PDA!! (Huron) - 11:30 am
LUNCH = Catered by FSU for all Postdocs and their Advisors = 11:45 to 1 pm
Session 2 = Individual Development Plan (IDP) = 1:00 to 2:30 pm
Individual Development Plan & (Fadool) - 1:00 pm
Postdoc/Advisor Working Session - 1:30 pm
Anticipated Annual Review Process and Closing (Fadool) - 2:15 pm
2023 Spring Event(s!)
Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13!! Registration closes on May 10. Field trip registration closes with cap of 36 participants is reached.
TWO Events on Friday, May 12, 2023 - REGISTER HERE FOR EITHER EVENT
ONE Event on Saturday, May 13, 2023 - REGISTER HERE FOR MARINE LABORATORY Field Trip EVENT
Friday Morning
9 am - Breakfast Continental, Find your table separated by field, Nancy Marcus Great Hall, Honors Scholars and Fellows (HSF) Building
9:25 am - Opening Welcome, Debra Fadool, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
9:30 am - "Academic vs. Industry CV: Best Practices for Each. How to Translate Your Academic Experiences into a Resume for the Private Sector/Industry Employers" - Jamie Butler
10:15 am - Q & A for Jamie Butler
10:30 - 11:45 am - Postdoctoral Scholars construct 1-page resume with Jaime Butler and Abbey Hale, FSU Career Center
If you would like to participate in the career morning workshop, please bring your personal laptop and charger, as well as your academic CV as a launching point. You do not have to participate in the career workshop to join the lunch - they are two independent events.
Friday Lunchtime
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm - Postdoctoral Scholar and Mentor Lunch, Nancy Marcus Great Hall, Honors Scholars and Fellows (HSF) Building
12:25 pm - "Recognizing Warning Signs and How to Prevent Burnout!" - Julia Storace. Co-worker, Brittany Benton, who is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and also the FSU Noles C.A.R.E Coordinator, will join Julia for an engaging lunchtime lecture.
We invite you and your faculty advisor to a nice sit down lunch in the Nancy Marcus Great Hall (4th floor of the Honors, Scholars, and Fellows Building). We hope this will serve as nice protected time for you to let us serve you - especially after a very busy Spring Semester. If your advisor is traveling or cannot attend, feel free to invite a special guest to join you - we all know that there is more than one mentor for every successful postdoc training experience and we want to recognize the strength of this academic partnership.
Saturday Fieldtrip
8:15 am - Departure to FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory (1.5 h transit)
10:00 am - Start time in St. Teresa, FL
Postdoctoral scholars and their significants/family (must be 16) are invited to travel to the FSU Marine Laboratory in St. Teresa (3618 US-98 St. Teresa, FL 32358) for a day of fun and engagement. The morning will consist of a short instructional talks by FSU Marine Laboratory Director, Joel Trexler, and then a tour of the facility and research station. In the afternoon, there will be two groups - one traveling for an excursion in the Marsh while the other goes out on the research boats for a tour on the gulf - then the groups will switch activites. Registrants will bring their own picnic lunch to eat by the ocean. For this engagement we are limited to 36 total participants - so register early - and kindly inform Luna Hiron if your plans change so that another scholar can be accomodated. All registrants for the field trip will receive a separate communication that will outline carpooling from the FSU Spirit Parking Garage off Stadium Drive and what to bring for getting wet in the marsh and what to wear for the boat ride in the gulf. FSU will not be providing transportation - but scholars will carpool with others - see Luna Hiron if you can take a colleague or if you need a ride.
Jaime Butler is a career services professional who works at the FSU Career Center as an Assistant Director of Employer Relations and Career Liaison to the College of Arts and Sciences (Science, Technology, and Mathematics majors). She is proud to be a double ‘Nole, attending undergrad at FSU and graduating with her MSW/MPA degrees last year. Jamie works to connect students with Career Center resources and support them wherever they are in their career journey. She is passionate about helping graduate students and postdocs communicate the value of their academic skills and experiences outside of the academia bubble.
Julia Storace graduated with her Masters in Counseling from Saint Joseph College, now the University of Saint Joseph, in West Hartford, Connecticut, in 2008 and has been a licensed clinician since 2010. She has worked in a variety of settings with a variety of populations – with youth and adults in a free-standing psychiatric hospital, community mental health, detox and rehab center, Medicaid care management and now in university center counseling with college students of all ages and backgrounds. Exposure to people from all walks of life suffering with a variety of presenting concerns has been the best education she could have asked for - she has stated that it prepared her to conceptualizeher clients’ needs from a holistic perspective that honors the full complexity of a person’s experience. Julia particularly enjoys working with International students, being a first generation immigrant herself. She prefers solution-focused interventions and skill-building from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy to empower students to grow mastery in the areas of emotion regulation, relationships and self-awareness.
Joel Trexler is the director of the FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory. Joel joined FSU two years ago, following nearly 30 years of research and management efforts in the Florida Everglades. His efforts have formed the basis of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP). You can read more about Joel's research efforts in population and community ecology, and about our Coastal Marine Laboratory here.
3-part Grants WOrkshop - Spring 2023
Did you participate in Part 1 of the 3-part Grants Workshop this Spring or are you preparing an extramural application to a federal agency? All of the visuals provided by the speakers are hyperlinked below. If you had a conflict with the session and were not already emailed audio links, we are happy to provide these associated with the slide decks. Happy Grant and Fellowship Preparations!
DAY 1 OPTION - DoDD hall - 103 DHA - Wednesday Feb 22nd
1:00 - 1:25 pm Welcome and Grantsmanship Overview = Debra Ann Fadool
1:25 - 1:30 pm Introduction of Speakers = Adrienne Stephenson
1:30 - 1:50 pm Newcombe, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) = Mathew Goff
1:50 - 2:10 pm National Endowment of the Arts (NEA) = Jimmy Kimbrell
2:10 - 2:35 pm National Institutes of Health (NIH) R03, R21, K99-R00 = Hengli Tang
2:50 - 3:10 pm NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship = Laura Perez-Felkner
3:10 - 3:35 pm National Institutes of Health (NIH) F31/F32 = Joseph Grzywacz
DAY 2 OPTION - Honors Scholars and Fellows (HSF) Great Hall - Thursday Feb 23rd
1:00 - 1:25 pm Welcome and Grantsmanship Overview = Debra Ann Fadool
1:25 - 1:30 pm Introduction of Speakers = Adrienne Stephenson
1:30 - 2:00 pm National Institutes of Health (NIH) F31/F32, DSPAN, Minority Supplements, HHMI = James M Fadool
2:00 - 2:20 pm American Heart Association = Beth Stroupe
2:35 - 2:55 pm United States Department of Agriculture Fellowships (USDA) = Kay Jones
2:55 - 3:15 pm NSF Graduate Fellowship Research Program / NSF Postdoctoral = Emily Moriarty-Lemon
Special Lecture - for Postdoctoral Scholars and Doctoral Trainees
Hope you enjoyed Dr. Schwartz's Visit - Photos Coming Here Soon!
You can read more about Dr. Schwartz's company where he is employed here -
and his leadership role in the company here -
And the success they have hit most recently in designing therapeutics for neonatal care -
Full Orientation Sessions for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus
Honors, Scholars & Fellows House (HSF 4009), Nancy Marcus Great Hall
Given on August 12, 2022
If you were not able to attend the annual full Orientation for new postdoctoral scholars, please find the following slides from the presentations!
General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool)
Individual Development Plan & Anticipated Annual Review Process (Fadool)
International Engagements (Lawson)
Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly)
Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (Atkins)
Join the PDA!! (Huron)
We also have the digital recording available from Dr. Zoe Ayres for our Special Mental Health Session download here (TEMPORARILY FOR 1 WEEK ONLY!)
Special Mental Health Session: For ALL Postdocs, Interested Senior Graduate Scholars, and Faculty Mentors, 2 pm, August 12, 2022 - Nancy Marcus Great Hall Group Watch and by Zoom Conference
Dr. Zoey Ayres gave a 30-40 minute presentation on "Postdoctoral Mental Health: A conversation (I wish I could have) with my younger self". She delivered her lecture by zoom conference from her home in the UK. Dr. Ayres is an analytical chemist and advocate for mental health. She is co-founder of @academicvoices, has spoken at the NIH as a health advocate, is a member of the Royal Society, wrote many mental health articles specializing on academia, and her first book is scheduled to be released in August - "Managing your mental health, a survival guide" by Springer Nature. We are so excited that she addressed us during our orientation. Please see many articles, posters, blogs, and other resources that she has made openly available on her website.
You may also see a recording of her lecture at FSU temporarily for ONE WEEK DURATION! - download here
Spring Event - Friday, May 6, 2022
Planning your Career after your postdoc - academic and non-academic paths
Hybrid and group viewing/participation at the honors, scholars, and Fellows (HSF) building, 1 to 5 pm
followed by reception and dinner
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Postdoctoral Association (PDA) joined forces to bring you the Spring Event! Please see this website designed by the PDA for full Speaker lineup and event agenda. Dr. Chris Smith from Virginia Tech lead with a keynote address on how to transition between academic and non-academic positions. Then our own Dr. Ken Hanson told us about his journey on the academic job market (check out his terrific blog!!). Finally Dr. Tracy Costello, a career coach from the University of South Florida, addressed how to transition from academia to non-academic positions. The afternoon will have two full panels (academic vs. non-academic experts) composed of largely FSU Postdoctoral Scholar Alumni! There were good break out groups for focused discussion and networking. After the event, we had community engagement with fellow postdocs, advisors, faculty, research mates, and family with a dinner and sharing of favorite desserts.
"Welcome" Mini-Orientation Sessions for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus
Honors, Scholars & Fellows House, Room 3009, noon (12 pm)
Given on November 1, 2021
If you were not able to attend the most recent Welcome for new postdoctoral scholars, please find the following slides from the presentations!
General PD Opportunities, Expectations, and Professional Development (Fadool)
International Engagements (Lawson)
Program in Instructional Excellence (Kelly)
Human Resources - Health Insurance and Retirement Benefits (McLaughlin)
Join the PDA!! (Nooranidoost)
We also have the digital recording available for download here (temporarily for 2 months)
National Postdoc Appreciation Week and 5 Minute Research (5MR) Competition
September 20 -24, 2021
We had the following events to recognize our postdoctoral scholars during the national postdoctoral appreciation week!
Monday, September 20, 2021 = 10 to 11:30 am - Coffee and Pastry Truck! - Postdocs and Advisors/Mentors enjoyed a special coffee hour together!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021 = 11:30 to 1 pm - Book Club - "Lab Girl" by Hope Jahren. We had a bookclub midweek. This is a wonderful book charting the adventures of setting up your own laboratory and research team. Debi Fadool lead the book club hour over lunch for graduate students, postdocs, and faculty members on campus.
Thursday, September 23, 2021 = 4:30 to 6:30 pm - 5MR Research Competition and Awards Reception. Ten postdoctoral finalist were selected to compete at the FSU Alumni Center from 4:30 to 5:45 pm. Creative 5 minute talks were delivered in any method so choosing by the scholar with only one rule - not more than 5 minutes!! This wonderful event shared in the high caliber research efforts of our scholars in diverse fields across our university. This year casted the competition as a hybrid event, with live speakers and limited audience at the FSU Alumni Center (socially distanced) and also broadcasted through a zoom conference. Using both venues, the audience had the opportunity to make their People's Choice Selections for the best in the competition while community judges decided our 1st and 2nd place speakers. Following the competition, there was an outdoor reception and awards ceremony in the courtyard of the FSU Alumni Center.
1st Place Award - $1000
2nd Place Award - $750
People's Choice Award - $500
Three-part Grants Workshop
The OPDA partnered with OGFA and the Office of Research to host three interconnected workshops to assist postdoctoral scholars and graduate trainees with the preparation of extramural applications for grants. Scholars and trainees that participated in all three sessions and submited their proposal to an extramural agency became eligible to receive an intramural grant award to apply for training-related expenses of their research project ($750 graduate trainees, $1,000 postdoctoral scholars). These funds were graciously contributed by the VP for Research Office.
PART I = Overview of Grant Opportunities by Experienced Faculty.
PART II = Peer Writing Groups to Evaluate Specific Aims.
PART III = Sept., 29 or Oct. 6, 2021; 12 - 3 pm = Mock Study Section Review.
New Postdoctoral Full Orientation
On Friday August 13, 2021 the OPDA held their annual full Postdoctoral Orientation for all new Postdoctoral scholars. All postdocs that have been on campus for less than one year were required to attend the New Postdoctoral Orientation. The orientation was conducted by zoom conference using two sessions with a noontime break. The morning session covered postdoctoral expectations, policies, funding and professional development opportunities, benefits/retirement, and meeting your Postdoctoral Association. New Postdocs had the opportunity to meet other postdoctoral leaders on campus and learn the types of research resources available to them. In the afternoon session, postdoctoral scholars got to work with their mentors in formulating their Individual Development Plan. To see more information about orientation, download a flyer, or the check agenda, please see here.
Copies of the textbook "Making the Right Moves", a helpful text on your career advancement developed by HHMI and the National Academy, along with other professional development resources were distributed on memory jump drives. The following information was provided by directors and coordinators of these topics -
- Expectations, Policies, Resources, Research Opportunities Animal and Human Subjects
- Individual Development Plan
- Funding your Research
- Teaching Opportunities and Guidelines
- Interfacing with Professional Development at the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Graduate School
- Canvas and Omni Software Introduction (Payroll, Reimbursements)
- Human Resources (Minimum Salary, Health Insurance, Leave Policy, Retirement, Florida Prepaid College)
- Data Management Plans
- Career Center
- Postdoctoral Association (Events, Professional Development, and Networking)
- International Scholar VISA and Global Community
- Center for Intensive English Studies
PDA Spring Event 2021: Branding yourself in the Digital Era
The Postdoctoral Association (PDA) at Florida State University (FSU) held this year’s annual Spring Event ‘Branding yourself in the Digital Era’ on Friday, May 7th, 2021, by Zoom Conference.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced academics of all backgrounds to change how they communicate with one another. From networking at conferences to interviewing for jobs, academics have been faced with the challenge of adapting from a face-to-face presence, to a mainly online, virtual format. This year’s PDA Spring Event aimed to provide FSU’s postdocs with key skills that will be useful in the transition to communicating effectively in a changed, virtual world.
We are delighted to announce that we were joined by a representative from the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science in Stony Brook University, who hosted a webinar talking all things science communication training. This webinar challenged postdocs to think about how they communicate through an online platform and build key skills to develop an engaging and professional online presence. The webinar addressed universal communication strategies, including ‘avoiding the jargon’ and enhancing technical skills for online engagement. We heard from FSU’s Career Advising and Counselling Assistant Director, Megan Crowe, who spoke about digital media and branding yourself. Additionally, FSU’s Digital Media Manager, Tom Cruz, highlighted resources available to postdocs at FSU through the library and career services. Megan and Tom were joined by two Ph.D. candidates who were invited to be part of a Q & A panel, given their expertise in communicating their science. Christine Lui is a Ph.D. candidate at University of California (UC), Berkeley, who makes art to communicate science through her art collective Two Photon Art. Ratna Suthar is a PhD. Candidate at University of Florida (UF) and STEMexplore Mentor at EarthEcho International.
Much thanks to the Organizers: Shannon Montgomery (PDA President), Ashine Jayasinghe, Kalpana Hanthan Arachchilage, and Trina Merrick
5 Minute Research (5MR) Competition for Postdocs
As part of the September 14-18, 2020 National Postdoctoral Appreciation Week (NPAW) we had an engaging afternoon of 5 minute talks from our postdoctoral researchers. The 5MR Finals were conducted on Friday, September 18, 2020 with our annual award presentations following. All events were conducted by Zoom Conference given the ongoing Covid19 pandemic. We want to thank all the speakers for an incredible job communicating the diversity of their research across campus and to the Tallahassee Community!
The following postdoctoral scholar finalists competed in presentation order
Derrick Vaughn, EOAS - Fingerprinting Human Impacts on Streams
Katy Sparrow, EOAS - The Future of Peatlands -- and the Planet!
Reza Seyedi, Civil Engineering - Safety Assessment of the Interaction Between the Autonomous Shuttle Bus and Vulnerable Road Users
Vishnu Priya Murali, Biomedical Engineering - Saving the Smiles
Adarsh Kumar, College of Medicine - Watching Molecules in Action: Time-Resolved Crystallography
Lili Hurioglu, Learning Systems Institute - What is Happening in Math Classrooms
Bing He, Biological Science - A Tale of DNA Folding
Iris Nicole Davis, Autism Institute - Overcoming Barriers to Online Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators in the Age of COVID-19
Jacob Caldwell, Biomedical Science - A Look at the Impact of Exercise Training on Cardiac Function in Adiponectin Knockout Mice
Yana Bebieva, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute - Wildfires: The Force Awakens
Congratulations to our Award WINNERS! -
A tie for first place!!! Drs. Vishnu Murali (Biomedical Engineering) and Jacob Caldwell! (Biomedical Science)
Third place award went to Dr. Yana Bebieva (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute)
AND our PEOPLES CHOICE recipient was - Dr. Lili Hurioglu (Learning Systems Institute)
A very special thank you to our FSU and TLH community of judges!
Mark Riley - Professor of Physics and Dean of the Graduate School
Stephen McDowell - Professor of Communication and Assistant Provost
Sally McRorie - Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs
Karema Tymes Harris - President & CEO of Foreign Affairs, Inc.
Will Hill - Veterinarian and Director of the Lab Animal Resources
Gary Ostrander - Professor of Medicine and Vice-president for Research
Shonda Knight - Executive Director Leon County Sherriff's Office
Career Development Workshop
August 21, 1 to 4:30 pm by Live Zoom Conference and Concurrent Virtual Side Rooms
This link outlined the agenda for the Career Development Website for Separate Zoom Room/Links During the Event -
The Postdoctoral Association (PDA) organized a Career Development Workshop to prepare postdoctoral scholars and senior graduate scholars for a successful job application and interview process. There was a lot of demand for training for phone and virtual platforms prior to interview site visits, so this type of skill was successfully emphasized at the Friday afternoon workshop. The workshop was divided into three consecutive sections: 1) Personal Branding and Communication 2) Your Application Package: How to write successful Research Statements, Teaching Statements and Diversity Statements (this section was held in concurrent rooms so that each registrant only attended one parallel session) and 3) Interview Preparation: Postdoc volunteers were mock interviewed by faculty in their field of specialty.
Very special thanks to the PDA Officers and Event Chairs of this engaging and highly subscribed workshop!
Gema, Katy, Lorenzo and Remi
Fall 2020 Postdoctoral Welcome & Orientation
August 14, 2020 by Live Zoom Conference and Concurrent Virtual Side Rooms
10:00 - 11:30 Welcome and Orientation
1 - 2:30 Advisor/Trainee Individual Development Plan (IDP) Workshop
On Friday, August 14, 2020 the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs & the Florida State University Postdoctoral Association held their annual fall postdoctoral orientation from 10:00 to 11:30 am via live Zoom Conference and Concurrent Virtual Side Rooms. This orientation is required for all postdoctoral scholars that have been on campus for 1 year or less and occurs in a full programming format annually in August. We encouraged all postdoctoral scholars to invite their advisors to the afternoon session. New faculty that have not mentored postdocs previously were also highly encouraged to attend the afternoon session as well. This year, given restrictions for group gatherings, we offered two different virtual sessions that fulfilled the requirement for Orientation for New Postdoctoral Scholars. The morning session contained important information regarding our international community/VISA, teaching opportunities, resources and opportunities at the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (grants, scholarships, travel awards, leadership experience), employment policies and benefit enrollment (health, retirement, savings programs), and an introduction to the Postdoctoral Association (PDA) leadership team. The afternoon session provided an introduction to the Individual Development Plan (IDP) that is highly suggested as a thoughtful mentoring compact and planning document for your career, and then time for advisors & postdoctoral trainees to enter breakout rooms to initiate individual plans for their IDP. In previous years we have provided memory sticks with all slide presentations and a wealth of scholarly and professional development resources/texts on memory sticks. You may pick up your drive at the front desk of the Graduate School Office (Westcott 314) and below is a copy of the 2020 slide set for your access all year long.
- To download, or print a copy of the Orientation Agenda, please click here.
Presenter Name |
Presentations (PDF) |
Sally McRorie: Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs | Provost Welcome |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | Greetings from Director, OPDA; Expectations, Policies, Shared Core Facilities & Resources |
Will Hill: Director of Lab Animal Resources Eric Holmes: Interim Director, Human Subjects Annette Allman: IRB Administration |
Vertebrate Animal & Human Subjects Animal Research at FSU (ACUC) Human Subjects Committee- Protecting Human Research Subjects Human Subjects at FSU (HSC) |
Rachel Goff-Albritton: OPD, Research Development & Training Specialist, Office of Reserch | Funding your Research |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | |
Mark Riley: Dean, The Graduate School | Training Success |
Jeanette Taylor: Associate Dean, College of Arts & Science; Lisa Liseno: Director & Assistant Dean, Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) |
College of Arts & Sciences - Dean's Postdoctoral Scholar Fellows |
Kathy Worthman: Human Resources |
Judy Devine: Associate Dean, The Graduate School | Preparing Future Faculty & Preparing Future Professional Programs |
Brian Barton: Assistant Dean for Business Operations, The Graduate School | Canvas & OMNI; Postdoctoral Travel Award Reimbursements; GradWorld FSU |
Renaine Julian: Director of STEM Libraries | Library Resources for Postdocs |
Thayumana "Soma" Sundaram: IMB Senior Research | Scientific Equipment Web Portal |
Gema Hernan Martinez: President, Postdoctoral Association (PDA) | FSU Postdoctoral Association |
Officer C. Steve Black: FSU Public Safety and Police | |
Megan Crowe, Assistant Director, Career Advising & Counseling | Career Center Overview |
Patrick Kennell, Director, Center for Intensive English Studies | Want to improve your Communication Skills? |
Laura Dean: International Program Coordinator | International Scholars & the Global Community |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | Announcements and Closing Remarks |

Seventh Annual Postdoctoral Symposium, Poster Competition & Inaugural 5MR Competition
This year’s Fall Symposium featured Dr. Rachel Herz, a Neuroscientist who is a world-renowned expert on the psychological science of smell. On Wednesday, September 18 Dr. Herz lectured on her new book "Why you eat what you eat."
On Friday, September 20, the poster competition and five minute research competition was held in the King Life Science Building from 2 - 6 pm. Congratulations to all award winners!
Dr. Rachel Herz: Keynote Speaker Slide Set
5 Minute Research Presentations
Fall 2019 PIE TA Orientation/Teaching Conference Wednesday and Thursday, August 21& 22, 2019
The annual Fall PIE TA Orientation/Teaching Conference was held the Wednesday and Thursday the week prior to the first week of classes each fall. (This will be a mandatory training for postdocs who intend to teach)
This conference includes sessions that provide graduate students & postdoc scholars with policy training requirements as stated in the current University-wide TA Standards along with best practices in grading, communicating with students, appreciating student diversity in the classroom, and technology usage. By the end of this training, participants will be able to explain and have procedures in place to address University policy issues related to the Academic Honor Policy, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Discrimination-Sexual Harassment-Retaliation. Participants will also be equipped with strategies to help navigate the use of Canvas features essential to their role as a TA, communicate effectively with students, and provide student feedback.
Who should attend?
- New graduate student & postdoc TAs - graduate student's and postdoc scholars CANNOT hold a TA position UNLESS he or she satisfies the University-wide TA Standards, so be sure to review these standards carefully!
- New graduate students and postdoc scholars who do not yet hold a TA assignment, but will likely do so in the future.
- Returning graduate students who have never attended PIE or a departmental equivalent, but who may teach in the future are also encouraged to attend
- Returning graduate student TAs who wish to improve their teaching
- Faculty and staff are also welcome
Where: New Classroom Building (HCB 101)
When: Wednesday and Thursday, August 21 & 22, 2019
-Wednesday 8/21/19, 8am - 3pm
-Thursday 8/22/19, 8am -12:30pm
- Please let us know your experience at the 2019 PIE Teaching Conference by completing an evaluation survey for each day. Your responses are completely anonymous and will be important to improve our future events!
- Day 1 evaluation: link not yet available
- Day 2 evaluation: link not yet available
- You may earn the PIE Teaching Training Recognition. Click here for more information.

Fall 2019 Postdoctoral Welcome & Orientation
On Friday, August 16 the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs & the Florida State University Postdoctoral Association held their annual fall postdoctoral orientation from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm in the Honors, Scholars & Fellows Building (HSF). This orientation is for postdoctoral scholars and their mentors that have been on the FSU campus for one year or less. The orientation will cover postdoctoral policies, resources, funding opportunities, salary/benefits, formulation of your IDP, postdoc network & programs. All registrants will receive a thumb drive with the FSU handbook, professional development text books (HHMI Making the Right Moves, Mentor Training from the National Academy, Advancing Postdoc Women Guidebook), and all forms/documents needed during your training time at FSU. Dedicated time in the morning section of the orientation (9:30 to 11 am) will be provided to formulate your Individual Development Plan (IDP) with your advisor. The IDP is a required plan to be developed by all postdocs at FSU and is also required for non-competitive renewal reports for investigators receiving salary from NIH grants.
- If you have additional questions, please contact Debra Ann Fadool at
- To download, or print a copy of the Orientation Agenda, please click here.
Presenter Name |
Presentations (PDF) |
Sally McRorie: Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs | Provost Welcome |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | Greetings from Director, OPDA; Expectations, Policies, Shared Core Facilities & Resources |
Will Hill: Director of Lab Animal Resources Eric Holmes: Interim Director, Human Subjects Annette Allman: IRB Administration |
Vertebrate Animal & Human Subjects Animal Research at FSU (ACUC) Human Subjects Committee- Protecting Human Research Subjects Human Subjects at FSU (HSC) |
Rachel Goff-Albritton: OPD, Research Development & Training Specialist, Office of Reserch | Funding your Research |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | |
Mark Riley: Dean, The Graduate School | Training Success |
Jeanette Taylor: Associate Dean, College of Arts & Science; Lisa Liseno: Director & Assistant Dean, Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) | Does your Appointment Include Teaching or Do You Seek This Opportunity? |
Kathy Worthman: Human Resources |
Judy Devine: Associate Dean, The Graduate School | Preparing Future Faculty & Preparing Future Professional Programs |
Brian Barton: Assistant Dean for Business Operations, The Graduate School | Canvas & OMNI; Postdoctoral Travel Award Reimbursements |
Renaine Julian: Director of STEM Libraries Brew Schoonover, Director of Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities Libraries |
Library Resources for Postdocs |
Thayumanasamy Somasundaram: IMB Senior Research | FSU-wise Scientific Equipment |
Marie Holt: Senior Advisor, Postdoctoral Association (PDA) | Postdoctoral Governance National Postdoctoral Association Biannual Events |
Officer C. Steve Black & Officer Chritopher Blair: FSU Public Safety and Police |
Campus Safety |
Joshua Morgan, Assistant Director, Career Advising & Counseling | Career Connections, Advising, and Counseling |
Maria Mendoza, Coordinator, Center for Intensive English Studies | Want to improve your Communication Skills? |
Kristen Hagen: Director, Center for Global Engagement; Laura Dean: International Program Coordinator; Tanya Schaad: J-1 Exchange Visitor Advisor; Luciana X. Hortung: Assistant General Council | International Scholars & the Global Community |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | Announcements and Closing Remarks |
The Balanced Postdoc - Towards a fulfilling career and life

2019 2020 FSU Postdoc Association (PDA)
Front Row (sitting): Debi Fadool, Director, OPDA, Lorenzo Ruffoni, Liyanage Jayasinghe, Gema Hernan Martinez, Katy Sparrow.
Back Row (standing): Shang-Huan Chiu, Matthew Holding,
Timothy Colston, Marta Sena-Velez
On Friday, May 10th, 2019, the FSU PDA hosted the Postdoctoral Spring Event in HSF Building, (Nancy Marcus Great Hall), from 1-5 pm. It was exciting to have keynote speakers: Dr. Samantha Nix, FSU Academic Center for Excellence, and Kyle Caswell, FSU Employee Assistance Program speak about Stress Management Training, and how to Achieve Balance with time management techniques. Tim Colston, President, FSU Postdoctoral Association (PDA), welcomed new postdoc members, and highlighted benefits of the PDA. For a copy of the event flyer click here.
After the event was finished, there was a networking session with a social hour and reception.
Samantha Nix presentation: Achieving Balance: A Time Management Workshop
Tim Colston's presentation: Welcome
2019 Postdoctoral Spring Symposium group photo
Spring Semester 3-Parts Grants Workshop
On Friday, March 1, the Spring 2019 3-Parts Grants Mechanisms workshop began.
The OPDA and FSU faculty hosted the grant workshop specifically for postdoctoral scholars - with the intention if you participate in all three parts and then submit an extramural application to a major federal or private foundation, then you can be eligible to receive a $1,000 intramural grant from the OPDA for research related expenses.
March 1, 2019 1 - 3 pm. Experienced faculty that have served on grant review panels presented the latest criteria and strategies for a number of different agencies in a variety of fields and disciplines.
The workshop agenda of presenters is below:
April 26, 2019 12 - 3 pm. Sign up for a time block to have your prepared Specific Aims page critiqued by a panel of experts in your field. This is the heart of every successful grant proposal.
June 28, 2019 12 - 3 pm. Sign up for a time block to have your full grant proposal critiqued by a mock study section of experts in your field. Then take your reviews, modify your full proposal and submit to your targeted agency to receive your intramural award from FSU. You do not have to be awarded your proposed grant to received the intramural support, but you must complete all three workshop dates and be responsive to the available experts!
Time | Presenter | Title |
1:00 - 1:25 pm | Debra Ann Fadool & Carson Bay | Welcome and Overview of Successful Grant Planning and Submission |
1:25 - 1:40 pm | Rick Hyson | National Institutes of Health F31 and F32 |
1:40 - 2:00 pm | Alan Spector | National Institutes of Health R03/R21, K99-R00 |
2:00 - 2:20 pm | James Fadool | National Institutes of Health DSpan, Minority Supplements, HHMI minority program, and Women in Science L'Oreal |
2:20 - 2:30 pm | Kay Jones | USDA |
2:30 - 2:45 pm | Emily Moriarty-Lemmon | National Science Foundation GFRP |
2:45 - 3:00 pm | Jian Feng | Brain & Behavior Research Foundation: NARSAD Young Investigator Grants |
3:00 pm | Meet and Greet with peer mentors |
Sixth Annual Postdoctoral Symposium, Poster Competition & Inaugural 5MR Competition
This year’s Fall Symposium featured a dual keynote address by our own Dr. Judy Devine, Senior Associate Dean, The Graduate School and Leah Sibbitt, Assistant Director, Dunlap Career Center. Dr. Devine rolled out the new Preparing Future Professional Program (PFP) along with the accompanying Preparing Future Faculty (PFP) that was launched last Spring as a program to guide Postdoctoral Scholars during their job search preparations. Ms. Leah Sibbitt, Assistant Director of the Career Center & Graduate School liaison, provided helpful tips in the job search process which included resources available to postdoctoral scholars and their spouses during the process of the job hunt. Please find PowerPoint Presentations for both featured speakers.
Slide Sets from Keynote Speakers
Dr. Judith Devine, Senior Associate Dean, The Graduate School - "Preparing Future Faculty & Preparing Future Professionals"
Leah Sibbitt, Assistant Director, Dunlap Career Center - "Steps to Employability"
2018 Orientation Presentations
Fall 2018 Postdoctoral Welcome & Orientation
Presenter Name |
Presentations (PDF) |
Sally McRorie: Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs | Provost Welcome |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | Greetings from Director, OPDA; Expectations, Policies, Shared Core Facilities & Resources |
Will Hill: Director of Lab Animal Resources Stacey Carey: Office of Research, Human Subjects Annette Allman: IRB Administration |
Vertebrate Animal & Human Subjects Animal Research at FSU (ACUC) Human Subjects Committee- Protecting Human Research Subjects Human Subjects at FSU (HSC) |
Rachel Goff-Albritton: OPD, Research Development & Training Specialist, Office of Reserch | Funding your Research |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean, OPDA | |
Mark Riley: Dean, The Graduate School | Training Success |
Debra Ann Fadool: Director & Associate Dean OPDA ; Laurel Fulkerson, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Science; Lisa Liseno: Director & Assistant Dean, Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) | Does your Appointment Include Teaching or Do You Seek This Opportunity? |
Kathy Worthman: Human Resources |
Judy Devine: Associate Dean, The Graduate School | Preparing Future Faculty & Preparing Future Professional Programs |
Brian Barton: Assistant Dean for Business Operations, The Graduate School | Canvas & OMNI; Postdoctoral Travel Award Reimbursements |
Renaine Julian: Director of STEM Libraries | Data Management and University Services |
Thayumanasamy Somasundaram: IMB Senior Research | FSU-wise Scientific Equipment |
Peter Cheetham: Vice-president, Postdoctoral Association (PDA) | Postdoctoral Governance National Postdoctoral Association Biannual Events |
Justin Malloy: Captain, Support Services Division | Campus Safety |
Kristen Hagen: Associate Director, Center for Global Engagement; Tanya Schaad: J-1 Exchange Visitor Advisor; Luciana X. Hortung: Assistant General Council; Laura Dean: International Program Coordinator | International Scholars & the Global Community |
Patrick Kennel; Director, Center for Intensive English Studies (CIES) | Want to Improve Your Communication Skills? |
Postdoctoral Spring Event May 11th
Diversifying Research - Is there permanent job placement for me?
On Friday, May 11th, 2018, the FSU PDA hosted the Postdoctoral Spring Event in HSF Building, (Nancy Marcus Great Hall), from 1-5 pm. It was exciting to have keynote speakers: Jessica Lee, (founder of The Pregnant Scholar,an organization supported and sponsored by the National Science Foundation), and Jabbar Bennett (Associate Provost and Chief Diversity Officer at Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine) spoke about the value of diversity, acknowledging bias, recruitment, retention, and best practices in research, postdoc parenting, work/life balance, and challenges faced by international postdoctoral scholars. These gifted and knowledgeable speakers presented how diversity and cultural differences drives research to a new level, presented national surveys performed with NSF support on the advances of culturally diverse groups and women with respect to achieving postdoctoral positions and faculty tenure. How do you obtain a permanent job commensurate with your training and identify a good work environment?
After the event was finished, all enjoyed dinner hosted by Joy Luck Restaurant and had time to rub elbows, and ask questions with our guest speakers.
To download a copy of the presentations see below.
Jessica Lee's presentation: Surviving and Thriving in the Workplace
Dr. Jabbar Bennett's presentation: Promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Marta Sena (President FSU PDA) presentation: What is the Postdoctoral Association (PDA)?
Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Mentoring Workshop & Lunch
On Tuesday January 16, 2018 the Department of Biological Science hosted a Postdoctoral Mentoring Workshop & Lunch. The workshop was held in the King Life Science Building, Room 2057 from 12pm - 1pm. Dr. Hank Bass (Department of Biological Science) topic was titled: "Academic Career Trajectory".
Biological Science/Neuroscience Postdoctoral Mentoring Workshop & Lunch
On Monday December 11, 2017 the Department of Biological Science hosted a Postdoctoral Mentoring Workshop & Lunch. The workshop was held in the King Life Science Building, Room 2057 from 12pm - 1pm. Rebecca Peterson (Assistant Director Faculty Relations, HR) presented on: "Managing Conflicts in the Workplace".
Postdoctoral Fall Symposium, Poster Competition, and Awards Ceremony
FSU College of Medicine Atrium, September 22, 2017, 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
The 5th Annual Postdoctoral Symposium and Poster Competition was held on Friday, September 22nd at the FSU College of Medicine Atrium. This event was in celebration of the national postdoctoral awareness week. Check us out on #NPAW and the many events ongoing from postdocs across the country.
A special thanks goes out to all those who helped behind the scenes to make the Postdoctoral Fall Symposium and Poster Session a success! The OPDA thanks the invited speakers, the PDA members, the co-chairs of the event, the judges and postdoc mentors, and also BBB undergraduate honor students that helped make the day go smoothly.
We had great afternoon of research interactions, a keynote address by Dr. Timothy McClintock of the University of Kentucky - "Creating Opportunities for Others is the Essence of Leadership and Management" - and an interactive LinkedIn workshop led by our very own Dr. Thierry Dubroca - "Management, Leadership, and Networking - Connecting People!" Please see the attached flyer.
Much kudos to our research winners!!
Poster Competition - |
Dr. Katherine Dale = 1st Place for Humanities - (Mentor: A Raney) "You Tube for Good: An Examination of Elicitors of Self-transcendent Emotions in Media" |
Dr. Ashini Shamindra Jayasinghe = 1st Place for Physical Science - (Latturner Laboratory)."Exploring the Unique Water Properties of Uranium Metal-organic Nanotubes" |
Dr. Xiaoyu Wang = 1st Place for Life Sciences - (Y Wang Laboratory) "FMRP in Dendritic Development and Axonal Guidance of Developing Auditory Brainstem" |
Dr. Anne Kellerman = People's Choice Award - (Spencer Laboratory) "Fundamental Drivers of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Across and Artic Effective Precipitation Gradient" |
Slide Set from Keynote Speaker |
Dr. Timothy McClintock (keynote address) - "Creating Opportunities for Others is the Essence of Leadership and Management" |
Alumni Made Good: A Scientific Editor's Tips for Getting Your Paper Published and Finding a Job in Publishing
On Friday, September 1, 2017, the Department of Biological Science hosted an 'Alumni Made Good' talk by inviting back FSU Alumna Shawnna Buttery, PhD (Scientific Editor, Cell Reports). Dr. Buttery addressed her career trajectory, how to get your paper published, how to find a job in publishin, and the daily life of a scientific editor. To view her pdf presentation, click here.
Dr. Shawnna Buttery (@yeastgrrl) joined the Cell Reports team as a Scientific Editor in August 2016. She previously worked for Elsevier's BBA journals. Her training in the laboratory was in cell biology, studying the cytoskeleton in worm sperm as a grad student at FSU and in budding yeast as a postdoc at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
2017 New Postdoctoral Orientation
In August 2017, there was an annual orientation for all postdoctoral scholars and their mentors who had been on the FSU campus for one year or less. Older postdocs were welcome to attend but not required. Please use this website as a resource for the slide presentations provided by the orientation speakers until a full handbook is established later this year on postdoctoral policies. If you are a PI or new Postdoctoral Scholar who was not able to attend the August 2017 Orientation, please feel free to contact D. Fadool for any policy or opportunity clarifications after viewing the resource of the slide set below. We also encourage you to register for one of the "Welcome" sessions held over lunchtime, quarterly, in Oct, Jan, April, or July.
We highly encourage Postdoctoral Scholars and their advisors to formulate an Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- 'Click here' for the 2017 Orientation Agenda.
- 'Click here' for NIH Policy Regarding IDP and Investigator Annual Progress Reports (RPPR)
Spring Event 2017 - "Breaking Out of Your Postdoc"

The spring event was held on Friday May 19, 2017 at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering AME Building Room 106. The keynote address was given by Dr. Lori Conlan, Director of Postdoctoral Affairs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Dr. Conlan provided attendees strategies to find a career and how to build interview opportunities. In addition, Dr. Kenneth Hanson, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, FSU spoke of his journey on the academic job market while serving as a postdoc. Dr. Matthew Curran, Assistant Director of Food Safety for the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services shared who FDACS is; what they do; and his personal journey. There was a panel discussion provided by three industrial scientists/research specialists & three assistant professors.
If you would like to hear any of the lectures and panel discussions, they can be viewed at our facebook site as videos - FSUPostdocs or you may download the PP slide visuals as hyperlinked below.
You can download the event schedule flyer Here.
You can see posted photos of the event on our Flickr Site Here.
Presentation Time |
Presenter/Documents (PDF) |
1:00 - 1:05 PM | Welcome and Introduction: Dr. Janet Kistner, Vice President for Faculty Development & Advancement at the Florida State University |
1:05 - 3:00 PM |
Keynote Address: Dr. Lori Conlan, Director of Postdoctoral Affairs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), "Breaking into a Permanent Career"; Presentation SLIDES |
3:00 - 3:15 PM |
Dr. Erminia Fardone, Introduction to Postdoctoral Association at FSU, Presentation SLIDES |
3:15 - 3:35 PM |
Coffee Break and Photographs |
3:35 - 3:50 PM | Dr. Kenneth Hanson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Florida State University, "One Postdoc's Journey on the Academic Job Market", Presentation SLIDES |
3:50 - 4:05 PM | Dr. Matthew Curran, Assistant Director at Division of Food Safety, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, "Interviewing for a Government or State Agency", Presentation SLIDES |
4:10 - 5:10 PM |
Panel Discussion: Dr. Christianne Beekman, Assistant Professor in Physics Department at the Florida State University & CMS experimental physicist at the MagLab; Dr. Kenneth Hanson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Florida State University; Dr. Matthew Curran, Assistant Director, Division of Food Safety, FDACS; Dr. Fadi Aldeek, Environmental Specialist III at FDACS & Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at TCC; Dr. Brian K. Washburn, Hybridoma/Molecular Research Specialist at Cell, Molecular & Integrative Biology & Research Associate at Hybridoma Facility. |
5:15 - 5:30 PM | Break |
5:30 PM | Potluck Dinner |
"Welcome" Mini-Orientation for New Postdoctoral Scholars on Campus and Postdoctoral Director Workshop
The Winter Welcome and Workshop was held on January 30, 2017 in the Honors Scholars and Fellows (HSF) building, room 3009. We would kindly appreciate your feedback so that we can guide our programming to the needs of postdocs and their departmental coordinators. If you are a postdoctoral scholar that attended, please give us your feedback here! - 5 minute survey. If you are a director of postdoctoral scholars and attended the workshop, please give us your feedback here! - 5 minute survey.
Presentation Time |
Presenter/Documents (PDF) |
12:00 PM | Welcome, Debra Ann Fadool, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA) |
12:05- 12:15 PM |
Tanya Schaad, J1 Exchange Visitor Adviser (VISA, International Scholars) Presentation |
12:15 - 12:25 PM |
Lisa Liseno, Assistant Dean, Director of Instructional Excellence (Teaching Postdoctoral Scholars)PIE Website |
12:25 - 12:40 PM |
Debra Fadool, Opportunities, Resources, Annual Events, and Policies (Mini-Orientation) Main Presentation and also Individual Development Plan |
12:40 - 12:50 PM | Kathy Worthman and Michael Horgan, Human Resources (Health Insurance, OPS and Campus Benefits) Postdoc Health Benefits and Retirement Plans |
12:50 - 1:00 PM | Erminia Fardone, Vice-President of the Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Presentation |
Postdoctoral Fall Symposium, Poster Competition, and Awards Ceremony
FSU College of Medicine Atrium, September 23, 2016, 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
The 4th Annual Postdoctoral Symposium and Poster Competition was held on Friday, September 23rd at the FSU College of Medicine Atrium. This event was in celebration of the national postdoctoral awareness week and is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet your fellow postdoctoral colleagues!
We had great afternoon of research interactions, a keynote address, and an interactive panel workshop on the theme "Being Your Own Boss" - Please see the attached flyer. There were judged awards in 5 different divisions ($100 award checks to the top presenters) including a People's Choice Award. We extend our congratulations to the following award winners! -
Winners |
Tiglet Besara = 1st Place for Physical Sciences. "Hardest Known Biocompatible Intermetallic Compounds: B-Ti3AU" |
Katherine Dale = 1st Place for Interdisciplinary Research. "Mapping the Anatomy of Inspiration: Identifying and Analyzing Elicitors of Self-transcendent Emotions in Media" |
Payal Ghoshi = 1st Place for Life Sciences. "Potential Effects of Deep Space Radiation on Vascular Function and Impact on Astronant Health" |
Veronique Richard = People's Choice Award. "Effects of a Creativity Supportive Environment on Divergent Thinking and Performance in Athletics" |
Slide Sets from Keynote Speakers and Panelists |
Dr. Michael Blaber (keynote address) - "How to be Your Own Boss: Establishing a Startup or Research Laboratory" |
Dr. Jonathan Adams - FSU College of Communications and Information |
Dr. Raghuram Dhumpa - Innovatech Engineering |
Dr. Wendy Plant - Jim Moran School of Entrepreheurship |
Dr. Ashkan Salamat - Univeristy Las Vegas Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Symposium Program Booklet
Program Booklet coming soon.
Click here
Symposium Flyer
View the flyer coming soon.
Click Here
Special Summer Postdoc Mentoring Workshop and Lunch
August 17th, 2016 - 12pm in KIN2057
"Alumni Made Good"
We were very excited to host postdoc alumna Dr. Thelma Madzima and graduate student alumnus Dr. Stephen Frausto as they discussed their post-FSU career experiences in: 'Careers in Academia and in Law/Patents'
Thelma F. Madzima, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Washington, Bothell, is a former postdoctoral scholar in the FSU Department of Biological Science. She has been at UWB for one year and has now set up her lab and is continuing her research on the mechanisms of epigenetic regulation of gene expression in plants. She discussed her experiences setting up her lab, beginning her independent research program, and teaching.
Stephen Frausto, PhD, is a former graduate student in the FSU Department of Biological Science. He is about to begin his third year of law school at New York University. He has spent the past 2 summers working as a biotech patent prosecution summer associate at the law firm Morrison and Foerster. He will be a patent law clerk this year and start as a patent prosecution associate at Morrison & Foerster in Fall 2017. He shared his experiences and the career options for biology PhDs in patent law. He also discussed non-law school paths to patent prosecution, scientific support positions in patents, and examiner positions in the US Patent and Trademark Office.
- Stephen's lecture on Careers in Patent Law (Click here for Slide Set)
Postdoctoral Spring Event - "Managing Data and People"
May 13, 2016; 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Room 106, 2003 Levy Avenue, Aero-Propulsion, Mechatronics and Energy Building (AME)
FAMU-FSU Engineering Campus
The Postdoctoral Association and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs had an engaging afternoon workshop followed by a potluck dinner for socializing and networking. Dr. Gary Ostrander, VP for Research kicked off the opening of the event. The keynote address and associated interactive activity was provided by Dr. Lucia Barker, who contributed to the textbook "Making the Right Moves" and has directed postdoctoral scholars through HHMI for many years. Ms. Amber Wagner presented on soft skills that are essential to the successful operation of any research program where you are the supervisor. Due to the size of large data sets and formulating data management plans, Mr. Renaine Julian provided very helpful information on resources available at FSU to maintain large data sets coordinated with manuscript publication.
- Click here to view the flyer at full size.
Presentation Time |
Presenter/Documents (PDF) |
1:00 PM | Dr. Lucia Barker, Scientific Program Manager, American Society of Human Genetics "Mentoring Must-dos: Solid Mentoring in a Shifting Environment" |
2:00 PM | Dr. Lucia Barker, Interactive workshop "Mentors and Mentees - Speed Dating Workshop |
2:40 PM | Ms. Amber Wagner, HR Administrator, FSU Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance - Slides here "Creating Inclusive Workplaces: Diversity, Inclusion, and Complicance" |
3:30 PM |
Discussion and Break, Photographing |
4:00 PM | Mr. Renaine Julian, Data Research Librarian, FSU Libraries - Slides here "Effective Data Stewardship: from Planning to Implementation" |
5:30 PM | Potluck Dinner, Socializing, and Networking Bring your family, children, friends, advisor, labmates and your favorite dish to share! The OPDA will be providing the main course. Kitchen and refrigeration available. |
Grant Mechanisms: Ins and Outs (Session One)
Tuesday, February 16, 2016; 2:00 - 4:00 PM, Honors, Scholars, and Fellows House (4003)
- See the full flyer (PDF) here.
Presenter Name |
Areas of Expertise/ Documents(PDF) |
Dr. Debra A. Fadool | National Institutes of Health (NIH)- PDF |
Dr. James M. Fadool |
Women in Science (L'Oréal) |
Dr. Rick Hyson | National Institutes of Health (NIH)- PDF |
Dr. James Kimbrell |
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)- N/A |
Dr. Kay Jones | United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)- PDF |
Dr. Emily Moriarty-Lemmon | National Science Foundation (NSF), Dissertation Improvement Grants- PDF |
Dr. Jose Pinto |
American Heart Association (AHA)- PDF |
Dr. Alan Spector | National Institutes of Health (NIH)- PDF |
Dr. Adrienne Stephenson | National Science Foundation (NSF), Webinar Workshops- PDF |
Postdoctoral Scholar Oral Presentation Symposium
The Postdoctoral Scholar Oral Presentation Symposium, hosted by Biological Science and sponsored by VWR, was held on Monday, Feb. 8th, from 10:30 AM - 2 PM in King 2057. Postdocs from Biological Science gave 12-minute presentations on their research. Gustavo Galdo presented a $1000 credit toward VWR equipment for the best overall presentation. Congratulations to Dr. David McNutt who was awarded the best overal presentation award! A thank you to all the faculty that served as judges for the event.
For questions, contact Dr. Kay Jones, Associate Professor and Biology Postdoctoral Coordinator, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University
Contact information:
- Click here to download a copy of the flyer.
Presenter Name |
Title |
D. Fadool, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs | Opening remarks |
Juan Carlos Rivera-Mulia(Gilbert lab) |
Replication timing abnormalities in pediatric leukemia |
Gengqiang Xie (Deng lab) | Snr1, distinct from other components of the SWI/SNF complex, acts as a tumor suppressor in Drosophila imaginal tissues |
Jianjun Wu (Zhu lab) |
Inhibition of cGAS DNA sensing by Herpesvirus virion protein |
Lunch (provided) | N/A |
Lida Ghazanfari (Lenhert lab) | Synthesis of nanohybrid system for treatment of breast tumor in controlled laser hyperthermia |
Matthew Johnson (Stroupe lab) |
One dataset, many maps: 3D electron cryo-microscopy of a structurally heterogenous ribosome assembly intermediate |
Carl Whittington (Rokyta lab) | Limited proteolysis in protein biochemistry and experimental viral evolution |
David McNutt (Underwood lab) | Variation in plant-mediated intra- and interspecific interactions among insect herbivores: Effects of host plant genotype |
Gustavo Galdo | Presentation of award provided by VWR |
Third Annual Postdoctoral Symposium and Poster Competition
Friday, September 25th, 2015 in the FSU College of Medicine Atrium and Auditorium, 12:30 to 6 pm
In recognition of National Postdoc Appreciation Week, Florida State University hosted the third annual Postdoctoral Symposium on Friday, September 25th in the FSU College of Medicine Atrium and Auditorium. The topic of the keynote address from Dr. Mark Martindale, newly appointed director for the Whitney Marine Laboratory of the University of Florida, was "You can't get there from here' and other myths of academic leadership." The best poster presentation awards were given in the fields of Life Science, Physical Science, and Humanities/Interdisciplinary.
- 'Click here' for the Symposium Agenda and Flyer
- 'Click here' for a Helpful Guide to Writing a Conference Abstract
Thank you to all of our poster presenters and special congratulations to the 1st place winners for the following three categories.
Poster Presentation Winners:
- Humanities/Interdisciplinary: Rebecca Brower, A Policy Implementation Typology of Florida's Developmental Education Reform
- Physical Science: Paula Giraldo-Gallo, Fermiology of Hold-doped PbTe: Insights to Understand Superconductivity in a Valence Disproportionated System
- Life Science: Ambalika Sarkar, Antidepressant Effect of Ketamine in Male and Female Rats
Travel Award Recipients:
The Office of Postdoctroal Affairs administers a minimum of 10 travel awards each year with applications accepted in July and January. For more information, please visit /Resources/Postdoc-Travel-Awards
The recipients at the Postdoctoral Symposium are below:
- Dr. Elizabeth Ellwood, traveling to the Bioinformation Diversity Standards, Nairobi Kenya
- Dr. Ekaterina Maksimova, traveling to the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco USA
- Dr. Abalika Sarkar, traveling to the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago USA
Special Lecture and Visiting Scholar
September 16, Wednesday, 3:10 pm, in Psychology Building, PDB A211
Presenter: Dr. Peter Hitchcock, Professor, Associate Dean, and Director of Postdoctoral Affairs from the University of Michigan
Dr. Hitchcock visited from the University of Michigan and lectured to postdoctoral scholars, faculty mentors, coordinators/directors of postdoctoral trainees, and members of the postdoctoral advisory board during the normal Program in Neuroscience Colloquium time slot at 3:10 pm. The title of his lecture was "Institutional resources and a two directional relationship between sponsor and mentee, leads to competitive independent scientists".
This special guest lecturer was sponsored by the OPDA and hosted by Dr. Debra Ann Fadool and Dr. Nancy Marcus
Life at a Regional Teaching University: Pitfalls to Avoid
Monday, July 27, 2015 12:00-1:00 pm
Biological Science (KIN), 2057
Presenter: FSU Postdoc Alumna Melissa Cavallin Johnson (University of West Georgia)
Sponsor: Biological Science - Postdoc Workshop
Description: Dr. Johnson discussed the process for obtaining tenure at a teaching-focused institution, how to conduct research at smaller institutions, problems faced during the tenure process, the importance of mentorship, and balancing career and personal life.
2015 FSU Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Spring Event
Friday, May 29, 2015; 1:00 - 5:00 pm
"Career Paths Beyond Academia"
FSU MagLab - Room B101
Description: Postdocs had the opportunity to explore career paths in several domains outside the traditional university setting. The event featured strategies for postdoctoral career success (D. Fadool), broad career resources for postdoctoral fellows (J. Lenz), working environment in a state government laboratory (F. Aldeek and M. Crosswhite), private consultant employment (D. Lipten), and commercialization and entrepreneurship (B. Edington).
An accompanying free text was available at the workshop:
"Making the Right Moves - A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty".
You may click here for the online version or write to Debra Fadool at to arrange to get a copy of the book.
- Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation (D. Fadool)
- Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation (F. Aldeek and M. Crosswhite)
- Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation (J. Lenz)
Managing difficult post doc - mentor relationships
Thursday, November 14, 2014; 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Biological Science (Kin.), 2057
Speaker- Dr. Karen McGinnis from the Department of Biology
Dr. McGinnis talked about handling diffiult mentor-fellow relationships successfully. She shared her experiences as a former postdoc as well as a current PI.
Postdocs' Benefits Talk
October 7, 2014; 12:00 noon
College of Medicine Room 1302
Presenter: Human Resources Representatives Kelly McLaughlin and Kathy Gartley
This talk provided information about the benefits available to postdoctoral scholars who work more than 30 hours per week at FSU. Are you eligible? Didn't sign up last year? Want to learn more about your options?
Finding and applying to the right postdoctoral fellowship for you
July 22, 2014; 12:00 noon
College of Medicine Room 1306
Presenter: Dr. Keisha John, Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
At this workshop, participants learned about the resources at FSU to assist them during their search for research funding. Dr. John also discussed some example fellowships for postdoctoral fellows at FSU.
Immigration Visa Options for Scholars
Saturday February 15, 2014; 10:00 am
Center for Global Engagement 2600
Presenter: Alexander Dgebuadze from Sostrin Immigration in Encino, CA
This workshop provided information about non-immigrant visas like O-1, and permanent visas like EB-1(A) Extraordinary Ability, National Interest Waiver and EB-2 Exceptional Ability.
- Transitioning to Work Visa Status- An overview of the process of changing from student visa status to work visa status.
- Transitioning to Permanent Residency- An overview of the process of adjusting from work visa status to permanent residency.
The Basics of Technology Entrepreneurship
Tuesday October 29, 2013; 4:00 - 5:30 pm
College of Medicine Room 1306
Speaker- Dr. Mike Devine, Adjunct Professor
This workshop for Postdoctoral Associates followed up on the October 2nd workshop "Is Entrepreneurship for you?" It provided an overview of the key steps in the process of analyzing whether an initial idea actually has commercial potential.
The Academic Interview: What to Expect and How to Prepare
October 24, 2013, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Scholars Commons, 5A, Strozier Library
Presenter: Dr. Jonathan Grant, Department Chair, History
Do you plan to attend a conference where you may have several interviews? How do you plan for a telephone interview? What should you expect during an interview at a neutral place, such as an airport? How do you prepare for the interview process on a college/university campus? These and other questions were answered in this informative workshop led by an experienced faculty member.
Is Entrepreneurship for you?
October 2, 2013; 4:00 pm
College of Medicine Room 1306
Facilitator: Postdoc, Milica Vukmirovic
Panelists: Jeffrey Whalen, Assistant Scholar, FSU and founder of "Specialized Crystal Processing"; Jason Robotham, Postdoctoral Associate, FSU, and founder of "BioFront Technologies"; Jacob VanLandingham, Assistant Professor, FSU, and founder of "Prevacus"
Brent Edington, PhD, Director of Commercialization, FSU; John Fraser, Assistant Vice President for Research & Economic Development and Executive Director of Intellectual Property Office, FSU
During this panel discussion FSU's Faculty, Entrepreneurs and Intellectual Property Officers shared their experiences and methods on how to recognize innovative, profitable and commercial ideas in the classroom, laboratory and during every day experiences.
Congratulations, you have the job. Now, how are you going to run a lab?
Monday September 9, at 9:30 am
King 2057
Speaker- Dr. David Houle
Sponsor- Biology Postdoctoral Workshop
Grants Workshop Series 2013
Session 4: Interactive Grant Aims Development Workshop
Thursday June 27, 1:30-3:30 pm
Dr. Richard Nowakowski
Student Services Building Room 203
Contemplating submitting an NIH application? Kick start your application process with this interactive Aims Development Workshop. If you already have your aims this will provide an excellent opportunity to share your ideas and receive feedback from your colleagues.
Writing Your Résumé
Tuesday June 25, 3:00-4:30 pm
Dunlap Success Center, Room 1006
Presenter: Dr. Janet Lenz
Do you know the sections and typical length of a résumé? What do prospective employers expect when they read your résumé? At the close of the workshop you will have the tools and links to resources in order to craft your professional résumé. This will be an interdisciplinary, interactive workshop.
NIH Grants Workshop Series 2013
Session 3: Working With FSU'S Office Of Sponsored Research Services
Thursday June 20th, 1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Student Services Building Room 203
Speakers: Julie Wammack, Catherine Stresing and Jan James
Do you have an eRA commons ID? What is the proposal transmittal form? This session provided an overview to FSU's policies regarding NIH grant applications.
Writing Your Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Tuesday June 18, 3:00-4:30 pm
Dunlap Success Center, Room 1006
Presenter: Dr. Janet Lenz
Did you know that a curriculum vitae is longer than a résumé, and its format varies by discipline? This interdisciplinary, interactive workshop included sample CVs to evaluate, tips for those seeking academic positions, and resources to explore following the workshop.
Life at an R1 university: insights from my first four years
Monday June 10, at 9:30 am
King 2057
Speaker- FSU Alumna Dr. Ann Morris (University of Kentucky)
Sponsor- Biology Postdoctoral Workshop
NIH Grants Workshop Series- 2013
Session 1: Introduction to the NIH and Review Process
Thursday June 6th, 1:30 pm- 3:00 pm
Student Services Building Room 203
Speaker: Richard Hyson
Learn about the NIH grants process from the perspective of a successful applicant and reviewer.
Navigating the Transition to Liberal Arts Academia
Wednesday May 15 at 4:00 pm
COM Room 1302
Speaker- Dr. Kasandra Riley
Sponsor- College of Medicine
Interested in preparing for a teaching position at a college or university?
The purpose of this event was to provide guidance and address questions postdocs and graduate students have about pursuing a teaching position at a liberal arts college.
Planning for Tenure
Monday April 8, at 9:30 am
King 2057
Speaker- Dr. Scott Steppan
Sponsor- Biology Postdoctoral Workshop
Faculty in a Research Institution: Expectations, Opportunities, Challenges
February 7, 2013 at 8:30 AM - Noon
Student Services Building 203
Presenters: FSU administrators and faculty
This workshop helped graduate students and postdoctoral scholars prepare for faculty responsibilities in a research work environment. Senior administrators offered their perspectives on faculty life and/or current responsibilities at FSU. Refreshments were provided by the Congress of Graduate Students.